这是我的路由器(这在 ATM 上不起作用)。看评论。
Inbox.Router = Ember.Router.extend
enableLogging: true
location: "history"
initialState: "bootUp"
bootUp: Ember.Route.extend
root: Ember.Route.extend
route: '/'
# All states need to transition through this code
# How can I transition to root state after this code executes?
connectOutlets: (router, context) ->
outletName: "list"
name: "messages"
context: Inbox.store.findAll(Inbox.Message)
root: Ember.Route.extend
showMessage: Ember.Route.transitionTo('root.showingMessage')
initialState: 'dashboard'
dashboard: Ember.Route.extend
route: '/dashboard'
# Entering this state needs the messages view loaded
# with data
showingMessage: Ember.Route.extend
route: '/:id'
connectOutlets: (router, context) ->
outletName: "details"
name: "message"
context: context
serialize: (router, context) ->
id: context.get('id')
deserialize: (router, urlParams) ->
Inbox.store.find Inbox.Message, urlParams.id
用 FSM 建模这种行为对我来说似乎是正确的。这是做这种事情的正确方法还是有更好的方法?