我在 C++ 中有以下程序:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

string integer_conversion(int num) //Method to convert an integer to a string
    ostringstream stream;
    stream << num;
    return stream.str();

void main()
    string path = "C:/Log_Files/";
    string file_name = "Temp_File_";
    string extension = ".txt";
    string full_path;
    string converted_integer;
    LPCWSTR converted_path;

    printf("----Creating Temporary Files----\n\n");
    printf("In this program, we are going to create five temporary files and store some text in them\n\n");

    for(int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
        converted_integer = integer_conversion(i); //Converting the index to a string
        full_path = path + file_name + converted_integer + extension; //Concatenating the contents of four variables to create a temporary filename

        wstring temporary_string = wstring(full_path.begin(), full_path.end()); //Converting the contents of the variable 'full_path' from string to wstring
        converted_path = temporary_string.c_str(); //Converting the contents of the variable 'temporary_string' from wstring to LPCWSTR

        cout << "Creating file named: " << (file_name + converted_integer + extension) << "\n";
        CreateFile(converted_path, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, NULL); //Creating a temporary file
        printf("File created successfully!\n\n");

        ofstream out(converted_path);

            printf("The file cannot be opened!\n\n");
            out << "This is a temporary text file!"; //Writing to the file using file streams
    printf("Press enter to exit the program");



请问这些问题怎么解决?谢谢 :)


1 回答 1


当您提供FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY给 Windows 时,基本上是建议性的——它告诉系统您打算将其用作临时文件并尽快将其删除,因此应尽可能避免将数据写入磁盘。它并没有告诉 Windows 实际删除文件(根本)。也许你想要FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE

写入文件的问题看起来很简单:您已将0第三个参数指定为CreateFile. 这基本上意味着没有文件共享,因此只要该文件的句柄是打开的,就没有其他东西可以打开该文件。由于您从未明确关闭使用 创建的句柄CreateFile,因此该程序的其他部分没有真正的可能写入文件。

我的建议是选择一种类型的 I/O 来使用,并坚持下去。现在,您拥有 Windows-native CreateFile、 C-styleprintf和 C++ style的组合ofstream。坦率地说,这是一团糟。

于 2012-11-07T16:00:03.330 回答