我在 SQL Server 2008 R2 的表中有以下行

|  ID          EntryType dt         price   |
| 14          4         2012-11-07 0.025000 |
| 16          5         2012-11-07 0.026000 |
| 18          6         2012-11-07 0.026000 |
| 20          7         2012-11-07 0.026000 |

我想做的是根据 EntryType 传播行(EntryType 不会改变)

For EntryType = 4 (1 row)
For EntryType = 5 (2 row)
For EntryType = 6 (3 row)
For EntryType = 7 (9 row)

并且 dt 字段将递增(以 Month 间隔),因此输出如下所示:

| EntryType |    dt     | Price |
|         4 | 11/7/2012 | 0.024 |
|         5 | 12/7/2012 | 0.025 |
|         5 | 1/7/2013  | 0.025 |
|         6 | 2/7/2013  | 0.026 |
|         6 | 3/7/2013  | 0.026 |
|         6 | 4/7/2013  | 0.026 |
|         7 | 5/7/2013  | 0.027 |
|         7 | 6/7/2013  | 0.027 |
|         7 | 7/7/2013  | 0.027 |
|         7 | 8/7/2013  | 0.027 |
|         7 | 9/7/2013  | 0.027 |
|         7 | 10/7/2013 | 0.027 |
|         7 | 11/7/2013 | 0.027 |
|         7 | 12/7/2013 | 0.027 |
|         7 | 1/7/2014  | 0.027 |

是否可以使用 CTE 和 SQL 做到这一点?


3 回答 3


这是在递归 CTE中执行此操作的一种方法:

;with RecordCounts as (
    -- Establish row counts for each EntryType
    select 4 as EntryType, 1 as RecordCount
    union all select 5, 2
    union all select 6, 3
    union all select 7, 9
), PricesCte as (
    -- Get initial set of records
    select ID, p.EntryType, (select min(dt) from MyTable) as dt, price, 1 as RecordNum
    from MyTable p
        join RecordCounts c on p.EntryType = c.EntryType -- Only get rows where we've established a RecordCount
    -- Add records recursively according to RecordCount
    union all
    select ID, p.EntryType, dt, price, RecordNum + 1
    from PricesCte p
        join RecordCounts c on p.EntryType = c.EntryType
    where RecordNum + 1 <= c.RecordCount
select EntryType,
    dateadd(mm, row_number() over (order by EntryType, ID) - 1, dt) as dt,
from PricesCTE
order by EntryType
option (maxrecursion 0) -- Infinite recursion, default limit is 100

这是展示这项工作的SqlFiddle 。


  • 我认为随着记录数量的增加,使用Tally 表而不是递归来乘以记录可能会更好。您将与 Tally 表交叉连接,并让 where 子句根据 RecordCount 限制记录
  • 我看不出价格应该如何从输入变为输出。
  • 我不知道您在哪里建立每个 EntryType 的 RecordCount,所以我已将其添加到另一个 CTE 中。
于 2012-11-07T16:08:04.607 回答
;WITH e (ID, EntryType, row, dt, Price, [Len])
  SELECT ID, EntryType, CASE EntryType WHEN 4 THEN 1
                                       WHEN 5 THEN 2
                                       WHEN 6 THEN 3
                                       WHEN 7 THEN 9 END AS row,
         dt, Price, 0 AS [Len] 
  FROM dbo.your_table
), x (ID, EntryType, row, dt, Price, [Len]) AS
  SELECT ID, EntryType, row, dt, Price, 1
  FROM e
  SELECT e.ID, e.EntryType, e.row, e.dt, e.Price, x.[Len] + 1
  FROM e , x
  WHERE e.ID = x.ID AND e.row > x.[Len]
SELECT EntryType, DATEADD(mm, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY EntryType)-1, dt) AS dt, Price
ORDER BY EntryType


SQL Fiddle演示

于 2012-11-07T16:22:59.110 回答

不确定 CTE 是否可以做到这一点,因为我无法分辨 EntryType 和行数之间的任何逻辑。


DECLARE @Entry TABLE(EntryType INT, seq INT) 
INSERT INTO @Entry (EntryType , seq) VALUES


SELECT  t.EntryType , DATEADD(MONTH,e.seq,  t.dt) as dt,t.Price 
FROM    YourTable t
INNER JOIN @Entry e 
    ON  t.EntryType = e.EntryType
于 2012-11-07T15:47:06.550 回答