I'm looking for another column that will give the overall total counts from each gender next to the eduCounts
column. The rest of the query works fine. Finding the distinct gender counts in this case has to be done by select count(distinct patid) from...
first try:
declare @sexcounts int
set @sexcounts = case when members.sex 'm' then (select COUNT(distinct patid) from members where sex='m')
when members.sex 'f' then (select COUNT(distinct patid) from members where sex='f')
select sex, edutext, COUNT(*) as eduCounts from
select distinct m.patid, m.sex, e.eduText
from members as m
inner join claims as c on c.patid=m.PATID
inner join icdClm as ic on ic.clmid=c.clmid
inner join tblICD as t on t.ICD=ic.icd
inner join EducationTable as e on e.eduID=m.education
inner join IncomeTable as i on i.incomeID=m.income
where ISNUMERIC(ic.icd)=1 and SUBSTRING(ic.icd,1,3)='707'
group by sex, eduText
order by sex
second try:
declare @sexcounts int
set @sexcounts = (select COUNT(distinct patid),case when sex 'm' then (select COUNT(distinct PATID) from members where sex='m') else (select COUNT(distinct patid) from members where sex='f')
from members)
select sex, edutext, COUNT(*) as eduCounts from
select distinct m.patid, m.sex, e.eduText
from members as m
inner join claims as c on c.patid=m.PATID
inner join icdClm as ic on ic.clmid=c.clmid
inner join tblICD as t on t.ICD=ic.icd
inner join EducationTable as e on e.eduID=m.education
inner join IncomeTable as i on i.incomeID=m.income
where ISNUMERIC(ic.icd)=1 and SUBSTRING(ic.icd,1,3)='707'
group by sex, eduText
order by sex
I know I could make a derived table and join on the sex column, but I'd like to know how to do it with a variable if at all possible.