用户使用一个简单的 Web 应用程序来获取这些文件。
我在运行我的 Web 应用程序的服务器上维护一个简单的文件系统缓存。


起初我使用 File.exists() 方法,但这并不好,因为它在线程(锁所有者)创建一个空文件后立即返回 true(因此它可以开始从存储库流写入它)。

我不确定这是否是正确的方法,但我正在使用静态 Map(将 file_ID 映射到 syncDummyObject)来跟踪当前正在获取哪些文件。
然后我(试图)在该 syncDummyObject 上同步文件获取。





public class RepoFileFetcher{

    private static volatile ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> syncStrings = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();    
    private static final Object mapSync = new Object(); // map access sync
    private Boolean isFileBeingCreated = new Boolean(false);
    private Boolean isFileReadyInCache = new Boolean(false);

    public File getFileById(MikFileIdentifier cxfi){        
        File theFile = null; // file I'm going to return in the end

            Object syncObject = null;

            // sync map access

                    // if the key exists in the map it means that
                    // it's being created by another thread
                    // fetch the object from the map 
                    // and use it to wait until file is created in cache
                    syncObject = syncStrings.get(cxfi.getFilePath());

                    isFileBeingCreated = true;

                }else if(!(new File(cxfi.getFilePath())).exists()){
                    // if it doesn't exist in map nor in cache it means that
                    // I'm the first one that fetches it from repo
                    // create new dummyLockObject and put it in the map
                    syncObject = new Object();
                    syncStrings.put(cxfi.getFilePath(), syncObject);

                    // if it's not being created and exists in cache
                    // set flag so I can fetch if from the cache bellow
                    isFileReadyInCache = true;

            // potential problem that I'm splitting the critical section in half,
            // but I don't know how to avoid locking the whole fetching process
            // I want to lock only on the file that's being fetched, not fetching of all files (which I'd get if the mapSync was still locked)
            // What if, at this very moment, some other thread starts fetching the file and isFileBeingCreated becomes stale? Is it enough to check whether I succeeded renaming it and if not then fetch from cache? 

            if(!isFileBeingCreated && !isFileReadyInCache){

                // skip fetching from repo if another thread is currently fetching it
                // sync only on that file's map object

                    File pFile = new File(cxfi.getFilePath());

                    // ...
                    // ... the part where I write to pFile from repo stream
                    // ...

                        // file is created by someone else 
                        // fetch it from cache
                        theFile = fetchFromCache(cxfi, syncObject);


                    // notify all threads in queue that the file creation is over


                theFile = fetchFromCache(cxfi, syncObject);

            return theFile;

            // removed for better readability
            // remove from the map, otherwise I'll lock that file indefinitely

        return null;

     * Fetches the file from cache
     * @param cxfi File identification object
     * @param syncObject Used to obtain lock on file
     * @return File from cache
     * @throws MikFileSynchronizationException
     * @author mbonaci
    private File fetchFromCache(FileIdentifier cxfi, Object syncObject)
            throws MikFileSynchronizationException{

            // wait till lock owner finishes creating the file
            // then fetch it from the cache


                // wait until lock owner removes dummyObject from the map
                // while(syncStrings.containsKey(cxfi.getFilePath()))
                // syncObject.wait();                   

                File existingFile = new File(cxfi.getFilePath());
                    return existingFile;
                    // this should never happen
                    throw new MikFileSynchronizationException();

        }catch(InterruptedException ie){
            logger.error("Synchronization error", ie);
        return null;

编辑我: 谢谢大家的帮助。关于在 CHM 上使用 putIfAbsent() 的建议是关键。我最终这样做了(欢迎任何其他评论):

编辑二:在类 的其他分支中添加了 CHM 元素删除if(因为现在我将元素放在地图中,即使我不需要)。

编辑三: 在变量中移动了上面文件存在的检查isFileInCache

public class RepoFileFetcher{               
    private static volatile ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> syncStrings = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();    

    // save some time so I can lock syncObject earlier 
    private boolean isFileInCache = false;

    // remember whether we put the elem in the map or not 
    // so we know whether to remove it later 
    private boolean insertedMapElem = false; // added in EDIT II 

     * Fetches the file from repository (anc caches it) or directly from cache if available
     * @param cxfi File identification object
     * @return File
     * @author mbonaci
    public File getFileById(FileIdentifier cxfi){
        String fileId = cxfi.getFileId();
        String fileName = cxfi.getOnlyPath() + fileId;
        File theFile = null; // file I'm going to return in the end

            Object syncObject = null;
            Object dummyObject = new Object();                  
            isFileInCache = (new File(fileName)).exists();
            syncObject = syncStrings.putIfAbsent(fileId, dummyObject);

            if(syncObject == null){ // wasn't in the map                            
                insertedMapElem = true; // we put the new object in

                if(!isFileInCache){ // not in cache

                    // if it doesn't exist in map nor in cache it means that
                    // I'm the first one that fetches it from repo (or cache was deleted)
                    // syncObject = new lock object I placed in the map
                    syncObject = dummyObject;

                        File pFile = new File(cxfi.getFilePath());

                        // ...
                        // ... the part where I write to pFile from repo stream
                        // ...

                        theFile = pFile;


                        // notify all threads in queue that the file is now ready to be fetched from cache

                    // if it's not being created and exists in cache it means that it's complete
                    // fetch it from cache without blocking (only reading)
                    syncStrings.remove(cxfi.getFilePath()); // added in EDIT II
                    theFile = new File(fileName);

                // if the key exists in the map it means that
                // it's being created by another thread
                // fetch the object from the map 
                // and use it to wait until file is created in cache
                // don't touch the map (I haven't added anything)
                // the lock owner will remove the elem
                // syncObject = the object that what was in the map when I called putIfAbsent()
                theFile = fetchFromCache(cxfi, syncObject);

            return theFile;

            // removed for better readability
            // no good cuz' this way I'd sometimes remove the map elem
            // while lock owner still writes to a file
            // only the one who placed the elem in the map should remove it
            // remove from the map, otherwise I'll lock that file indefinitely
            // syncStrings.remove(fileId); // commented out in EDIT II
        // remove in case of exception (but only if we added it)
        return null;

     * Fetches the file from cache after it obtains lock on <code>syncObject</code>
     * @param cxfi File identification object
     * @param syncObject Used to obtain lock on file
     * @return File from cache
     * @author mbonaci
    private File fetchFromCache(FileIdentifier cxfi, Object syncObject){
        String fileId = cxfi.getFileId();
        String fileName =  fileId + ".tif";


            File existingFile = new File(cxfi.getAbsPath() + fileName);

                return existingFile;

1 回答 1



  1. 您已经在使用ConcurrentHashMap,不需要额外的锁。
  2. 我会将“文件”包装在一个更智能的对象中,它有自己的同步。因此,您可以执行以下操作:

    • putIfAbsent()使用路径和包装文件的“智能”对象调用地图。
    • 以上将返回值(如果路径不存在,则返回新值,或者现有包装器)
    • 在包装器中有状态,它知道它是否已经被缓存
    • 调用cache()它检查它是否已被缓存,如果是,则不执行任何操作,否则缓存
    • 然后从包装器中返回“文件”(比如一个getFile()方法)



class CachedFile
  File realFile;
  // Initially not cached
  boolean cached = false;

  // Construct with file

  public synchronized boolean isCached()
  { return cached; }

  public synchronized void cache()
    if (!cached)
      // now load - safe in the knowledge that no one can get the file (or cache())
      cached = true; // done

  public synchronized <File> getFile()
    // return the "file"


ConcurrentHashMap<String, CachedFile> myCache = ConcurrentHashMap<>();
CachedFile newFile = new CachedFile(<path>);
CachedFile file = myCache.putIfAbsent(<path>, newFile);
// Use the new file if it did not exist
if (file == null) file = newFile;
// This will be no-op if already cached, or will block is someone is caching this file.
// Now return the cached file.
return file.getFile();


于 2012-11-07T11:26:53.613 回答