I am now in the process of transferring my servers to windows azure. I created a virtual machine (2008 R2) and installed IIS 7.5. I then transferred one of the site (DNN) and configured it to with it's own apppool (4.0) and granted permission for this app pool to read and write.

I have two domains: one internal, which I defined in the HOST file, and one public (mydomain.com). The internal domain works fine however with the external domain I'm getting:

500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.


1 回答 1


也许,您还没有在门户上为服务器设置端点以允许 HTTP 流量?换句话说,您是否在 Azure 门户上为此 VM 开放了端口 80?

在此处查看如何操作 - https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/manage/windows/how-to-guides/setup-endpoints/

于 2012-11-07T15:12:16.177 回答