I have a Android tablet and I want to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) whose screen is as close to the physic device as possible (in terms of size and resolution).

I tried copying the resolution from the device settings, but the size of things in the emulator screen still look different. The device reports it's density is xlarge, but (as far as I understand) these density aliases are approximations anyway.

Is there a way (even an app that I would install on the device) to know what settings I have to create the AVD with to get a equivalent screen?

The device is not from a major manufacturer, it's unlikely that I will find a 'ready-made' AVD.


2 回答 2


当我尝试在 AVD 管理器中手动设置屏幕的宽度和高度时。我发现即使我正确地放入了这些,我的虚拟设备仍然看起来不正确。



于 2016-05-02T16:04:17.443 回答

当您转到 AVD 管理器并创建新...设备时,您可以通过手动调整皮肤分辨率来设置屏幕尺寸。启动该设备后,它会询问您是否要使用该分辨率或调整到实际屏幕尺寸。

于 2012-11-07T03:35:32.427 回答