嗨,我需要一些帮助。我正在介绍编程课程,我们正在使用 c++。我希望有人可以帮助我完成昨天到期的任务(我知道不要期待奇迹般的反应,但女孩总是可以尝试)。
说明 1) 编写一个程序,找出从键盘输入的一组数字的平均值、最大值和最小值。数据集中值的数量必须在 0 到 20 的范围内,包括 0 到 20。用户将首先输入数据集中值的数量(使用变量 int Number)。给用户 3 次尝试在给定范围内输入数字的次数。如果输入的数字值超出此范围,请写入错误消息但继续。如果用户在 3 次尝试中没有为 Number 输入有效值,则打印一条错误消息并终止程序。
2) 打印时仅将平均值的输出格式化为小数点后 3 位。
3) 作为输入输入的数据集中的值可以是正值、负值或零值。
下面将是您的程序执行的输出:(使用这些值来排序数据集 --> 19.0 53.4 704.0 -15.2 0 100.0
The largest number: 704
The smallest number: -15.2
The average of the 6 numbers entered: 143.533
yourName L4p2XX.cpp
Lab#4 prob 2 XX-XX-12
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
double Number = 0, minValue, maxValue, average, total = 0;
int ct = 0, numCount;
cout << "How many numbers would you like to enter? ";
cin >> numCount;
for(ct = 1; ct <= numCount; ct += 1)
cout << "Enter Value from 0 to 20, inclusive: ";
cin >> Number;
if(Number > 20|| Number < 0)
for(int errorCt = 1; errorCt <= 4; errorCt += 1)
if(errorCt == 4)
cout << "You have had 3 attempts to enter a valid" <<
"number. \nPlease try this program again when you" <<
"are able to follow directions.";
cout <<"\nLBn\n"<<"L4P2LB.cpp\n"<<"11-05-12\n";
return 0;
cout << Number << "is not within range.\n" <<
"Please enter a number from 0 to 20: ";
cin >> Number;
} //end for loop
total += Number;
if(maxValue <= Number)
maxValue = Number;
if(Number <= minValue)
minValue = Number;
} //end for loop
cout << "The smallest number entered was " << minValue << endl;
cout << "The largest number you entered was " << maxValue << endl;
average = total/numCount;
cout << setprecision(3) << fixed << showpoint << "You entered " <<
numCount << " numbers. The average of these is " << average;
//Program ID
cout <<"\n" << "L4P2LB.cpp\n" << "11-05-12\n";
system ("pause");
return 0;
} // End main