我认为我在 HEAD@{6} 或 HEAD@{7} 做错了什么。两次结帐看起来不奇怪吗?也许 HEAD@{0} 也很奇怪?

如果有经验的人可以指导我完成此操作,我将不胜感激,这样我就不会丢失数据。我见过其他“无分支”的讨论,但对我来说这看起来更复杂。我已经签到了一整天,但是当我尝试推送到 github 时我注意到了这一点。

eternity$ git reflog show
d15e9e7 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from 09e40efea3a4831ce8cbfd2a82634e23e2013d92 to master
09e40ef HEAD@{1}: commit: Rewards points for defensive strike.
33efb7d HEAD@{2}: commit: Multiple score labels can be shown.
a548ccf HEAD@{3}: commit: Resolution in Kamcord works
0f56190 HEAD@{4}: commit: Ctrl layer msg is displayed in the center of the screen
c2b195d HEAD@{5}: commit: Added setup view in director. Resolution is still bad.
d15e9e7 HEAD@{6}: checkout: moving from 0311aa9b0a2a9f26de0a8a0d95adfc2fc2e5fd9e to d15e9e7de8332dc
0311aa9 HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from master to 0311aa9b0a2a
d15e9e7 HEAD@{8}: commit: Possible to export Kamcord replay.
7225b6c HEAD@{9}: commit: Kamcord in application, but no API calls.
eef0d78 HEAD@{10}: commit: Updated AppDelegate in accordance with 1.1 RC0
b551782 HEAD@{11}: commit: OnDevice match is handled correctly in menu after app start.
e374935 HEAD@{12}: commit: Bat glow is removed upon dealloc

1 回答 1


当我在 30 分钟前尝试时,我收到一条消息,说明我没有任何分支。我无法推动。但现在它奏效了。也许是一些网络问题?我什么都没改...

于 2012-11-06T20:41:57.403 回答