假设我有一个抽象类(BaseThing)。它有一个必需参数(“base required”)和一个可选参数(“base optional”)。我有一个扩展它的具体类(事物)。它还具有一个必需参数(“required”)和一个可选参数(“optional”)。所以像:

public abstract class BaseThing {
    public static final String DEFAULT_BASE_OPTIONAL = "Default Base Optional";

    private final String baseRequired;
    private String baseOptional = DEFAULT_BASE_OPTIONAL;

    protected BaseThing(final String theBaseRequired) {
        this.baseRequired = theBaseRequired;

    final void setBaseOptional(final String newVal) {
        this.baseOptional = newVal;

    public final void selfDescribe() {
        System.out.println("Base Required: " + baseRequired);
        System.out.println("Base Optional: " + baseOptional);


    protected abstract void selfDescribeHook();


public final class Thing extends BaseThing {
    public static final String DEFAULT_OPTIONAL = "Default Optional";

private final String required;
    private String optional = DEFAULT_OPTIONAL;

    Thing(final String theRequired, final String theBaseRequired) {
        required = theRequired;

    protected void selfDescribeHook() {
        System.out.println("Required: " + required);
        System.out.println("Optional: " + optional);

    void setOptional(final String newVal) {
        optional = newVal;

我想为 Thing 对象创建一个 Joshua Bloch 风格的构建器。不过,更一般地说,我想让 BaseThing 的具体实现更容易拥有构建器,所以我真正想要的(我认为)是一个 BaseThing 构建器,它可以很容易地用于制作 ThingBuilder、OtherThingBuilder 或 SuperThingBuilder .


public abstract class BaseThingBuilder<T extends BaseThing> {
    private String baseOptional = BaseThing.DEFAULT_BASE_OPTIONAL;

    public BaseThingBuilder<T> setBaseOptional(final String value) {
        baseOptional = value;
        return this;

    public T build() {
        T t = buildHook();

        return t;

    protected abstract T buildHook();


public final class ThingBuilder extends BaseThingBuilder<Thing> {
    private final String baseRequired;
    private final String required;
    private String optional = Thing.DEFAULT_OPTIONAL;

    public ThingBuilder(final String theRequired,
            final String theBaseRequired) {
        required = theRequired;
        baseRequired = theBaseRequired;

    public ThingBuilder setOptional(final String value) {
        optional = value;
        return this;

    protected Thing buildHook() {
        Thing thing = new Thing(required, baseRequired);

        return thing;

可用于以类似于以下方式构建 Thing 对象:

        BaseThingBuilder<Thing> builder = 
                new ThingBuilder("Required!", "Base Required!")
                    .setBaseOptional("Base Optional!");
        Thing thing = builder.build();


Base Required: Base Required!
Base Optional: Base Optional!
Required: Required!
Optional: Optional!

我知道但我认为不是特别重要的一个问题(尽管如果可以改进它会很好)是您必须在设置任何基本选项之前设置所有非基本选项:做否则会导致语法错误,因为 setBaseOptional() 返回的是 BaseThingBuilder 而不是 ThingBuilder。



2 回答 2




public interface Builder<T> {
  T build();

public class Person {
  private final String name;

  //the proper way to use a builder is to pass an instance of one to
  //the class that is created using it...
  Person(PersonBuilder builder) {
    this.name = builder.name;

  public String getName(){ return name; }

  public static class PersonBuilder implements Builder<Person> {
    private String name;
    public PersonBuilder name(String name){ this.name = name; return this; }

    public Person build() {
      if(name == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name must be specified");
      return new Person(this);

厉害了,宝贝!怎么办?也许你想添加一个类来代表一个学生。你做什么工作?你扩展人吗?当然,这是有效的。采取更“奇怪”的路线并尝试聚合如何?是的,您也可以这样做...您的选择将影响您最终将如何实施构建器。假设您坚持传统的路径并扩展 Person (您应该已经开始问自己,Person成为一个具体的类是否有意义?如果我把它抽象化,我真的需要一个构建器吗?如果类是抽象的应该builder 是抽象的?):

public class Student extends Person {
  private final long id;

  Student(StudentBulder builder) {
    this.id = builder.id;

  public long getId(){ return id; }

  //no need for generics, this will work:
  public static class StudentBuilder extends PersonBuilder {
    private long id;
    public StudentBuilder id(long id){ this.id = id; return this; }

    public Student build() {
      if(id <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("ID must be specified");
      return new Student(this);


Person p = new PersonBuilder().name("John Doe").build();
Student s = new StudentBuilder().name("Jane Doe").id(165).build();

看起来很棒!除了,它没有编译......第 2 行有一个错误,它指出The method id(int) is undefined for the type Person.PersonBuilder. 问题是它PersonBuilder#name返回了一个 type 的构建器PersonBuilder,这不是你想要的。在StudentBuilder您实际上希望返回类型nameStudentBuilder. 现在,您提前思考并意识到,如果有任何扩展StudentBuilder,您会希望它完全返回其他东西……这可行吗?是的,使用泛型。然而,它非常丑陋,并且引入了相当多的复杂性。因此,我拒绝发布说明它的代码,因为担心有人会看到这个线程并在他们的软件中实际使用它。

您可能认为重新安排方法调用会起作用(在调用id之前调用name) :,new StudentBuilder().id(165).name("Jane Doe").build()但它不会。至少在没有明确转换为Student:(Student)new StudentBuilder().id(165).name("Jane Doe").build()的情况下并非如此,因为在这种情况下,PersonBuilder#build正在调用其返回类型为Person... 这简直是不可接受的!即使它在没有显式转换的情况下工作,它也应该让你畏缩,知道必须以特定顺序调用构建器的方法。因为如果你不这样做,有些事情就不会奏效......





于 2012-11-06T19:28:22.880 回答

As far as I can tell if you remove the generics then

BaseThingBuilder<Thing> builder = 
            new ThingBuilder("Required!", "Base Required!")

changes to

BaseThingBuilder builder = 
            new ThingBuilder("Required!", "Base Required!")

The rest of it all remains same, including the restriction that subclass has to be initialized first. So I really don't think this warrants use of generics. Maybe I am missing something.

I seem to remember something like this from Bjarne Stroustrup, long back...

于 2012-11-06T21:34:48.057 回答