
1. Create bivariate generator with an MT19937 engine and a standard uniform distribution.
2. Generate some random normal variables.
3. Save the state of the engine. I'll call it state 1.
4. Generate and keep track of the next 5 random normal variables.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to obtain a state 2 and then a state 3.


State 1
Actual  Restored state (appears to have shifted up)
a       b
b       c
c       d
d       e
e       f

State 2
Actual  Restored state (appears to have shifted down)
j       i
k       j
l       k
m       l
n       m

State 3
Actual  Restored state (appears to have shifted up again)
r       s
s       t
t       u
u       v
v       w


boost::mt19937 engine(seed);
boost::normal_distribution<double> dd(0, 1);
boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::normal_distribution<double>> rr(engine, dd);
std::stringstream ss1; std::stringstream ss2; std::stringstream ss3;

for (long p=0; p<20; p++) {rr();} 
ss1 << engine;
for (long p=0; p<5; p++) {
  std::cout << rr() << "\n"; // keep track of these

// repeat for states 2 and 3, i.e., ss2 and ss3

ss1 >> engine; 
for (long p=0; p<5; p++) {
  std::cout << rr() << "\n"; // compare with the above numbers

// repeat for states 2 and 3

我的 Boost 版本是 1.47.0,我正在为 64 位 Windows 编译 VS2010 中的代码。非常感谢任何尝试“重新调整”这些已保存状态的建议。谢谢!


1 回答 1


正在发生的事情是,normal_distribution除了引擎本身持有的状态外,实例还在对生成器的调用中维护自己的一些状态。该发行版有reset一种专门用于清除它的方法。来自Boost 文档



于 2013-04-30T21:41:37.430 回答