I am making an application in which there is only model that is Project and in the view of the project i can see the table with the variables that generate automatically i.e created _at and updated_at. I want to keep track the updated_at variable means that if user updates the project 10 times it will show the updated_at variable 10 times so that i can track the project model.
70 次
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假设您正在通过一个名为 ProjectChanges 的模型跟踪您的更改
rails g model ProjectChange project_id:integer change:string when:datetime
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :project_changes
after_create :record_update( 'create' )
after_save :record_update( 'update' )
def record_update( what_happened )
# not forgetting to add attr_accessible to the ProjectChange class if you want to mass assign like this
ProjectChange.new( { :change => what_happened, :when => Time.now } )
于 2012-11-06T11:07:37.470 回答