假设我曾经用字节ptr = malloc(old_size);分配内存块。old_size只有第一个header_size字节是有意义的。我要把尺寸增加到new_size.



/- - - - - - - old_size - - - - - - - \


/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - new_size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
\- header_size-/

我不在乎之后存储了什么,ptr + header_size因为我会在那里读取一些数据。


ptr = realloc(ptr, new_size);


ptr = realloc(ptr, header_size);
ptr = realloc(ptr, new_size);


void *newptr = malloc(new_size);
memcpy(newptr, ptr, header_size);
ptr = newptr;



3 回答 3



// ptr contains current block.
void *saveptr = ptr;
ptr = realloc (ptr, new_size);
if (ptr == NULL) {
    // do something intelligent like recover saveptr and exit.
memset (ptr + header_size, 0, new_size - header_size);




+-----------+   ^        +-----------+ <- At same address,
| Old block |   | Need   | New block |      no copying
|           |   | this   |           |      involved.
+-----------+   | much   |           |
| Free      |   | now.   |           |
|           |   v        +-----------+
|           |            | Free      |
|           |            |           |
+-----------+            +-----------+
于 2012-11-06T09:00:11.247 回答

It almost certainly depends on the values of old_size, new_size and header_size, and also it depends on the implementation. You'd have to pick some values and measure.

1) is probably best in the case where header_size == old_size-1 && old_size == new_size-1, since it gives you the best chance of the single realloc being basically a no-op. (2) should be only very slightly slower in that case (2 almost-no-ops being marginally slower than 1).

3) is probably best in the case where header_size == 1 && old_size == 1024*1024 && new_size == 2048*1024, because the realloc would have to move the allocation, but you avoid copying 1MB of data you don't care about. (2) should be only very slightly slower in that case.

2) is probably best when header_size is much smaller than old_size, and new_size is in a range where it's reasonably likely that the realloc will relocate, but also reasonably likely that it won't. Then you can't predict which of (1) and (3) it is that will be very slightly faster than (2).

In analyzing (2), I have assumed that realloc downwards is approximately free and returns the same pointer. This is not guaranteed. I can think of two things that can mess you up:

  • realloc downwards copies to a new allocation
  • realloc downwards splits the buffer to create a new chunk of free memory, but then when you realloc back up again the allocator doesn't merge that new free chunk straight back onto your buffer again in order to return without copying.

Either of those could make (2) significantly more expensive than (1). So it's an implementation detail whether or not (2) is a good way of hedging your bets between the advantages of (1) (sometimes avoids copying anything) and the advantages of (3) (sometimes avoids copying too much).

Btw, this kind of idle speculation about performance is more effective in order to tentatively explain your observations, than it is to tentatively predict what observations we would make in the unlikely event that we actually cared enough about performance to test it.

Furthermore, I suspect that for large allocations, the implementation might be able to do even a relocating realloc without copying anything, by re-mapping the memory to a new address. In which case they would all be fast. I haven't looked into whether implementations actually do that, though.

于 2012-11-06T09:33:08.340 回答


方法 1 将复制旧块中包含的所有内容 - 但如果您不经常这样做,您将不会注意到。

方法 2 只会复制您需要保留的内容,因为您事先丢弃了其他所有内容。

方法 3 将无条件复制,而其他方法仅在内存块无法调整大小时复制。

就个人而言,如果您经常这样做,我更喜欢方法 2,如果您很少这样做,我更喜欢方法 1。分别地,我会介绍其中哪些会更快。

于 2012-11-06T09:04:43.960 回答