我打算在 MonoTouch 上做一个 iPhone 应用程序。我使用的是 Windows 7 和 VS 2010。我的问题是我没有找到任何安装程序或任何安装 MonoTouch for Windows 的东西。
我的问题是我们可以在 Windows 环境中使用 MonoTouch 开发 iOS 应用程序吗?
还是 Monotouch 只支持在 MAC 环境下使用 C# 代码开发 IOS 配置?
我不想在 Windows 上运行 VM 并在其上运行 MAC 并进行编码。谢谢。
我打算在 MonoTouch 上做一个 iPhone 应用程序。我使用的是 Windows 7 和 VS 2010。我的问题是我没有找到任何安装程序或任何安装 MonoTouch for Windows 的东西。
我的问题是我们可以在 Windows 环境中使用 MonoTouch 开发 iOS 应用程序吗?
还是 Monotouch 只支持在 MAC 环境下使用 C# 代码开发 IOS 配置?
我不想在 Windows 上运行 VM 并在其上运行 MAC 并进行编码。谢谢。
Xamarin released their solution to this with Xamarin 2.0 (including iOS dev for Visual Studio 2010/2012). Like my previous answer below, the Xamarin.iOS Visul Studio setup still requires a Mac as a remote build host, so could still be a deal-breaker for some.
Disclaimer: Visual Studio support is only part of their "Business" license tier, and that runs $999 per year, currently. That said, they now have a free tier that allows device deployment and an "Indie" tier that is cheaper for Mac-based-only development.
I was able to get their system to work fine in beta between a Mac host and a Windows VM. If you have a Mac already but prefer to code in VS, this is a really nice option.
While you would still need a Mac to run/debug the projects, which sounds like it would be a deal-breaker for you, this Visual Studio extension is created to allow you to write and compile MonoTouch projects in Visual Studio 2010.
MonoTouch for Visual Studio 2010
It is mostly for those looking to maintain the VS IDE experience while developing for MonoTouch, avoiding the learning curve of new keyboard shortcuts and single-pane development. When you get to something compiling just fine, you would need to get those source files over to MonoDevelop on a Mac for any simulator or device debugging and any packaging for deployment.
Disclaimer: Even after following all the steps on their project page, I was never able to get VS 2010 on 64-bit Windows 7 to recognize the project type properly. I had planned to work in VS 2010 while letting Dropbox sync the files between my Windows machine and a Mac where I would do the final testing.
不,您不能在 Windows 平台上使用 MonoTouch 开发 iOS 应用程序。你需要有MAC。iOS 开发的 MonoTouch 仅适用于 MAC。
您可以使用Mac build Host,但您也需要联网的 mac 进行开发和调试。
现在使用Xamarin Live Player ,您可以在 Windows 中完全调试、开发和部署应用程序,而无需任何 Apple 系统的帮助,但是要签署应用程序并将其发布到应用商店,您将需要 Apple 系统