不,说法不一样。Z3 中的常量是 nullary (0 arity) 函数,所以(declare-const a Int)
只是 的语法糖(declare-fun a () Int)
,所以这两个语句是相同的。你的第二个语句(assert (>= (f x x) (+ x a))))
隐含地断言 x 的存在,而不是你第一个语句中的所有 x (assert (forall ((x Int)) (>= (f x x) (+ x a))))
。为了清楚起见,请注意在您的第二个语句中,只有一个 x 的赋值需要满足断言,而不是所有可能的赋值(还要注意函数 f 的区别,并参见这个 Z3@rise 脚本:http://rise4fun .com/Z3/4cif)。
(set-option :mbqi true)
(declare-fun f (Int Int) Int)
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-fun af () Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-fun bf () Int)
(declare-const x Int)
(assert (>= (f x x) (+ x a)))
(check-sat) ; note the explicit model value for x: this only checks a single value of x, not all of them
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (>= (f x x) (+ x a))))
(get-model) ; no model for x since any model must satisfy assertion
此外,这是 Z3 SMT 指南中的一个示例(“未解释的函数和常量”部分下的http://rise4fun.com/z3/tutorial/guide ):
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun a () Int) ; a is a constant
(declare-const b Int) ; syntax sugar for (declare-fun b () Int)
(assert (> a 20))
(assert (> b a))
(assert (= (f 10) 1))