我想将此代码的结果分配到二维数组中,我尝试将程序第一个输出的结果保存在文件中,稍后我将重新打开文件以将值分配给数组,所以我可以使用数组来获取距离函数的结果……不幸的是,当我将数组定义为“int data[100][2]”时,我不能使用“getline(myfile,line)”……因为它可以与一个字符串值不是 int,有没有其他方法可以正确地做到这一点?任何使这部分更好或更简单的建议将不胜感激
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
/// to find the nodes in each 100*100 gride///
int x, y, Radio_Range = 80, No_Max = 100;
int node_degree[100], data[100][2];
int Total_Degree = 0, Avg_Degree;
ofstream myfile;
int miny = 0, max_y = 99;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
int minx = 0, max_x = 99;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k <= 4; k++) {
x = minx + rand() % (max_x - minx + 1);
y = miny + rand() % (max_y - miny + 1);
myfile << x << " " << y << endl;
minx = max_x + 1;
max_x = max_x + 100;
miny = max_y + 1;
max_y = max_y + 100;
///to finde the node degree//the avg degree//the distance///
int loop = 0; //Index of array//The line taken from the *.txt source
string line;
if (myfile.is_open()) { //Checking if the file can be opened
while (!myfile.eof()) { //Runs while the file is NOT at the end
getline(myfile, line); //Gets a single line from example.txt
data[loop][2] = line; //Saves that line in the array
for (int i = 0; i < No_Max; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < No_Max; j++) {
double distance = sqrt(
pow(data[i][0] - data[j][0], 2) +
pow(data[i][1] - data[j][1], 2));
if (distance <= Radio_Range) {
node_degree[i] = node_degree[i] + 1;
cout << data[i][0] << "-" << data[i][1] << endl;
cout << data[j][0] << "-" << data[j][1] << endl;
myfile << " The node degree \n" << node_degree[i] << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < No_Max; i++) {
Total_Degree = Total_Degree + node_degree[i];
Avg_Degree = Total_Degree / No_Max;
myfile << " The Avg degree\n" << Avg_Degree << endl;