我认为 Apple 的文档在 mknod 的主要/次要数字上有点稀疏。我试图为麦克风创建一个原始字符设备,以便我可以将数据传输到其中。在适当的 linux 系统上,内核的 ./Documentation/Devices.txt 文件包含引用的主要/次要编号。Apple 是否为创建用于硬件访问的原始内核字符设备创建了任何推论文档?

前任。:mknod dsp c 14 3



1 回答 1


OS X is not Linux-based. On OS X many hardware devices are not accessed through traditional Unix device nodes which is why there is no documentation for making a microphone raw device. OS X provides rich support for audio devices through its Core Audio framework. See the Core Audio Overview manual for more information on how to get started.

于 2012-11-05T20:00:12.383 回答