


1 回答 1


You can use git's pre-rebase hook to produce a warning or error in that situation. (The documentation for the various githooks is here.) The sample pre-rebase hook does something very similar to what you want, although (as http://git-scm.com/book/en/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks points out) you'll need to change the branch name next to whatever your published branch is called.

It's probably also worth pointing out (as pmr mentions in a comment above) that if you've rewritten public history, then attempting to push that rewritten branch will not succeed - you'll get an error to avoid just this problem.

Furthermore, you should know that you can usually safely do:

git rebase <upstream-remote-tracking-branch>

For example, if you're working on the master branch, and its upstream remote-tracking branch is origin/master, then:

git rebase origin/master

... will only consider reapplying commits that aren't contained in origin/master, and that remote-tracking branch is updated when you push to master in origin as well as when you fetch from origin. (The reason I say "usually" above is that this is more complicated if you're using multiple remotes, or you've set up remote-tracking branches in an unusual way.)

于 2012-11-05T10:50:45.153 回答