I have my code like this:
for (i in 1:b) {
carteraR[[i]]=subset(carteraR[[i]],RUN.FONDO=="8026" | RUN.FONDO=="8036" | RUN.FONDO=="8048" | RUN.FONDO=="8057" | RUN.FONDO=="8059" | RUN.FONDO=="8072" | RUN.FONDO=="8094" |
RUN.FONDO=="8107" | RUN.FONDO=="8110" | RUN.FONDO=="8115" | RUN.FONDO=="8130" | RUN.FONDO=="8230" | RUN.FONDO=="8248" | RUN.FONDO=="8257" | RUN.FONDO=="8319")
Where b=length(carteraR)
, and class(carteraR[[i]])=data.frame
is one of the head of these data frames. This code is working fine but I want to save some lines.
What I want is something like:
for (i in 1:b) {
for (j in 1:length(A)){
And where A= "8026" "8036" "8048" "8057" ... "8319"
....... etc......
What should the code be like ?