

WHEN(加载js模块饼图)和(加载蓝色主题css)和(加载Airline Stats json)


我发现了许多实现 AMD 的库,以及许多实现承诺的库,但没有一个库可以像上面的示例那样组合模块加载和承诺。这可能吗,是否有任何库已经实现了这一点?

我需要的是客户端 JavaScript。


2 回答 2



假设您拥有代码并且都生活在同一个域中,或者如果跨域,服务器允许 CORS,我们将使用.ajax(). 然后我们将.when()用于检测所有承诺何时加载并.then()添加我们的回调来执行所有承诺解决。

//you can provide a detailed setting for each using .ajax()'s second parameter
//however, jQuery can "smart detect" the content's dataType

var chart = $.ajax(urlOfChart), //script
    theme = $.ajax(urlOfTheme), //css
    data  = $.ajax(urlOfData);  //JSON

//we use .when() to check when all three resolves
//the arguments will be the jqXHR objects for the requests
//in the order they were given in the argument list

    //according to jQuery.ajax(), if a script is requested, it is evaluated
    //and we still get it's plain text content
    //so with respect to the script, we do no processing

    //with the css, we get it as plain text since no dataType value handles it
    //we embed it into the DOM by creating a style element 
    //and append the text in it for the styles to take effect on the page
    $('<style type="text/css" />').html(theme).appendTo('head');

    //as for the JSON, jQuery converts it into an object 
    //and is passed as an argument as the return data for that promise

    //...everything is now requested, retrieved and prepared...
    //everything else goes under here

于 2012-11-05T02:50:06.520 回答

CommonJS 模块本身就是 Promise,因为每个工厂只有在定义了需求后才会被调用。


或者,您使用 Promise 作为 CommonJS/AMD 之上的抽象,加载 CSS(通过例如 LABJS?)和加载数据(通过 xhr/jsonp)。

于 2012-11-06T07:53:00.060 回答