嗨,我正在尝试从网页的 excel 电子表格将数据加载到 sql 中,我收到“无法将类型隐式转换为 ' string' decimal”错误我尝试了不同的方法来纠正此问题,但没有任何效果。

namespace CarpartsStore.Dealers

partial class DealerHome : System.Web.UI.Page

    protected void ButtonUpload_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        PanelUpload.Visible = true;
        PanelView.Visible = false;
        PanelImport.Visible = false;

    protected OleDbCommand ExcelConnection()

        // Connect to the Excel Spreadsheet
        string xConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("~/ExcelImport.xls") + ";" + "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";

        // create your excel connection object using the connection string
        OleDbConnection objXConn = new OleDbConnection(xConnStr);

        // use a SQL Select command to retrieve the data from the Excel Spreadsheet
        // the "table name" is the name of the worksheet within the spreadsheet
        // in this case, the worksheet name is "Members" and is coded as: [Members$]
        OleDbCommand objCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [Products$]", objXConn);
        return objCommand;


    protected void ButtonView_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        PanelUpload.Visible = false;
        PanelView.Visible = true;
        PanelImport.Visible = false;

        // Create a new Adapter
        OleDbDataAdapter objDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();

        // retrieve the Select command for the Spreadsheet
        objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = ExcelConnection();

        // Create a DataSet
        DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet();
        // Populate the DataSet with the spreadsheet worksheet data

        // Bind the data to the GridView
        GridViewExcel.DataSource = objDataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView;

    protected void ButtonImport_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        PanelUpload.Visible = false;
        PanelView.Visible = false;
        PanelImport.Visible = true;
        LabelImport.Text = "";
        // reset to blank

        // retrieve the Select Command for the worksheet data
        OleDbCommand objCommand = new OleDbCommand();
        objCommand = ExcelConnection();

        //  create a DataReader
        OleDbDataReader reader;
        reader = objCommand.ExecuteReader();

        //  create variables for the spreadsheet columns
        int ProductID = 0;
        int MakeID = 0;
        int DealerID = 0;
        string PartNumber = "";
        string Description = "";
        decimal UnitCost = 0.00M;
        decimal Postage = 0.00M;
        int QtyAvailable = 0;
        string UserName = "";
        string Make = "";

        int counter = 0;
        // used for testing your import in smaller increments

        while (reader.Read())
            counter = counter + 1;
            // counter to exit early for testing...

            // set default values for loop
            ProductID = 0;
            MakeID = 0;
            DealerID = 0;

            PartNumber = GetValueFromReader(reader,"PartNumber");
            Description = GetValueFromReader(reader,"Description");

            UnitCost = GetValueFromReader(reader,"UnitCost");
            Postage = GetValueFromReader(reader, "Postage"); 

            QtyAvailable = GetValueFromReader(reader,"QtyAvailable");
            UserName = GetValueFromReader(reader,"UserName");
            Make = GetValueFromReader(reader,"Make");

            // Insert any required validations here...

            MakeID = GetMakeID(Make);
            DealerID = GetDealerID(UserName); 

            //retrieve the MakeID
            ProductID = ImportIntoProducts(PartNumber, Description, UnitCost, Postage, QtyAvailable, MakeID, DealerID);

            LabelImport.Text = LabelImport.Text + ProductID + PartNumber + " " + Description + " " + UnitCost + " " + Postage + " " + QtyAvailable + " " + UserName + " Make_id: " + MakeID + " " + Make + "<br>";
            //If counter > 2 Then ' exit early for testing, comment later...
            //    Exit While
            //End If



    protected string GetValueFromReader(OleDbDataReader myreader, string stringValue)
        object val = myreader[stringValue];
        if (val != DBNull.Value)
            return val.ToString();
            return "";

    protected void ButtonUploadFile_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

        if (FileUploadExcel.HasFile)

                // alter path for your project

                LabelUpload.Text = "Upload File Name: " +
                    FileUploadExcel.PostedFile.FileName + "<br>" +
                    "Type: " + FileUploadExcel.PostedFile.ContentType +
                    " File Size: " + FileUploadExcel.PostedFile.ContentLength +
                    " kb<br>";
            catch (System.NullReferenceException ex)
                LabelUpload.Text = "Error: " + ex.Message;
            LabelUpload.Text = "Please select a file to upload.";


    protected int GetMakeID(string MakeName)

        int makeID = 0;
            CarpartsStore.DataSets.SSSProductsDataSetTableAdapters.MakesTableAdapter SSAdapter = new CarpartsStore.DataSets.SSSProductsDataSetTableAdapters.MakesTableAdapter();
            SSSProductsDataSet.MakesDataTable SSDataTable = null;
            SSDataTable = SSAdapter.GetMakeByName(MakeName);
            // see if the category already exists in the table, if not insert it
            if (SSDataTable != null)
                if (SSDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (SSDataTable[0].MakeID > 0)
                        makeID = SSDataTable[0].MakeID;
            if (makeID == 0)
                // if it is still 0, then insert it into the table
                // retrieve the identity key category_id from the insert
                makeID = (int)SSAdapter.InsertMakeQuery(MakeName);
                // if this fails to return the proper category_id, make sure to 
                // set the InsertCategoryQuery ExecuteMode Property to Scalar
            return makeID;
        catch (System.NullReferenceException ex)
            LabelImport.Text = LabelImport.Text + ex.Message;
            return 0;


    protected int GetDealerID(string UserName)

        int DealerID = 0;
            CarpartsStore.DataSets.SSSProductsDataSetTableAdapters.DealersTableAdapter SSAdapter = new CarpartsStore.DataSets.SSSProductsDataSetTableAdapters.DealersTableAdapter();
            SSSProductsDataSet.DealersDataTable SSDataTable = null;
            SSDataTable = SSAdapter.GetDealersByUserName(UserName);
            // see if the User already exists in the table, if not insert it
            if (SSDataTable != null)
                if (SSDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (SSDataTable[0].DealerID > 0)
                        DealerID = SSDataTable[0].DealerID;
            if (DealerID == 0)
                // if it is still 0, then insert it into the table
                // retrieve the identity key category_id from the insert
                DealerID = 0;
                // if this fails to return the proper category_id, make sure to 
                // set the InsertCategoryQuery ExecuteMode Property to Scalar
            return DealerID;
        catch (System.NullReferenceException ex)
            LabelImport.Text = LabelImport.Text + ex.Message;
            return 0;


    protected int ImportIntoProducts(string PartNumber, string Description, decimal UnitCost, decimal Postage, int QtyAvailable, int MakeID, int DealerID)

        // make sure values don't exceed column limits
        PartNumber = Left(PartNumber, 50);
        Description = Left(Description, 300);
        UnitCost = Convert.ToDecimal(UnitCost);

        int ProductID = 0;
            CarpartsStore.DataSets.SSSProductsDataSetTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter SSAdapter = new CarpartsStore.DataSets.SSSProductsDataSetTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter();
            SSSProductsDataSet.ProductsDataTable SSDataTable = null;
            SSDataTable = SSAdapter.GetProductsByPartNumberDealer(PartNumber, DealerID);
            // see if the category already exists in the table, if not insert it
            if (SSDataTable != null)
                if (SSDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (SSDataTable[0].ProductID > 0)
                        ProductID = SSDataTable[0].ProductID;
                        LabelImport.Text = LabelImport.Text + "<font color=blue>PartNumber Found, Not Imported: " + " ID: " + ProductID + " " + PartNumber + " " + Description + "" + UnitCost + "" + Postage + ".</font><br>";
            if (ProductID == 0)
                // if it is still 0, then insert it into the table
                // retrieve the identity key ProductID from the insert
                ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(SSAdapter.InsertProductQuery(PartNumber, Description,UnitCost, Postage, QtyAvailable, MakeID, DealerID));
                LabelImport.Text = LabelImport.Text + "<font color=white>Part Number Imported: " + " ID: " + ProductID + " " + PartNumber + " " + Description + " Cost: " + UnitCost + ".</font><br>";
            return ProductID;
        catch (System.NullReferenceException ex)
            LabelImport.Text = LabelImport.Text + "<font color=red>" + ex.Message      + "</font><br>";
            return 0;


    // http://www.mgbrown.com/PermaLink68.aspx
    public static string Left(string text, int length)
        if (length < 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", length, "length must be > 0");
        else if (length == 0 || text.Length == 0)
            return "";
        else if (text.Length <= length)
            return text;
            return text.Substring(0, length);



1 回答 1



    UnitCost = GetValueFromReader(reader,"UnitCost");
   // put a breakpoint here to find the problem using the debugger

    Postage = GetValueFromReader(reader, "Postage"); 
   // put a breakpoint here to find the problem using the debugger



于 2012-11-04T14:23:51.350 回答