We have a fairly large application running on a small web farm with Sql Server replication. Lately the sales team have become obsessed with wanting to sell the solution as a cloud based product as they think it sounds better.

We have begun migrating our dynamic media content to azure blob storage for images, videos, etc. but we cannot move to Azure with Sql Azure as it is as we use features such as FileStream and Full Text Indexing for searching documents. Also from what I can understand you cannot bring backups locally and run in Sql Server which is a fundamental part of our development process and bug fixing.

One suggestion is to move to the Virtual Machines that are in preview when they are released, I guess with all my research I am struggling to see if that is going to be of benefit to us over our current setup. I can see the advantages of blob storage for geo-replication as we have users in China, Mexico and India.

My question is is it worth going to a virtual machine in Windows Azure over our current setup, if it's not does anyone know any dates when Sql Azure will support fulltext indexing?

Many thanks for any thoughts/your own experiences with this.


2 回答 2


我同意 Lucene 的建议,但是要回答你关于 SQL Server 和 Azure 的问题:)....

  • VM 上的 SQL Server 运行良好,现在它是 BYO-License 模型......所以请记住这一点。您可以调整所有内容,使用您需要的 SKU,设置 AlwaysOn (SQL 2012) 或集群等。按照您想要的方式格式化您的驱动器,设置处理器相关性等等等等 :)
  • 查看上周的一些 IaaS BUILD 2012 视频:http: //channel9.msdn.com。Microsoft 正在认证 SQL Server 作为在 IaaS 平台上运行的软件的一部分。如果您对 IaaS 有所了解,您现在可以获得一些图库选项以从中选择起始图像......这将是一个有根据的猜测,期望那里有 SQL Server 2012 图像,并为您定价(微软可以这样做,因为他们拥有 SQL Server, Amazon/RackSpace 必须依赖开源)
  • I/O 现在可能是性能瓶颈...条带驱动器上的 IOP 大约是 15k SCSI 驱动器的 2 倍...他们将在未来改进这一点(再次有一些黑客可以让它更好地工作)。
  • Azure 在专用的专用虚拟机(高 I/O、高内存、高 CPU)方面有点赶上亚马逊。我从您的解决方案(搜索/FILESTREAM)中猜想您会想要高 I/O。亚马逊 AWS 现在有这个,并且专门存储在 SSD 等上。

我不确定全文搜索是否会出现在 SQL Azure(SQL Server 的 PaaS 版本)中。如果您有全文搜索,您可能会调整跟踪标志,需要与具有高 I/O 的 Blob 存储进行持续通信......将驱动器格式化为默认的 64kb 分配单元对于数据驱动器可能是可以的,但对于 FILESTREAM 等则不行.

于 2012-11-04T14:01:04.553 回答

我认为他们正在 SQL Azure 上开发 FTS,但发布日期未知。您可以使用带有 SQL Azure 的 Lucene.NET 从您的数据库创建全文索引,您可以每 x 分钟(或几小时/天)使用数据库的内容简单地更新索引一次。

更多信息:http ://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/2367.how-to-use-lucene-net-with-windows-azure-sql-database-en-us.aspx

于 2012-11-04T11:34:00.350 回答