我正在尝试使用 digitalpersona one touch for windows sdk java edition 创建一个肥皂网络服务方法来匹配指纹。我从客户端的小程序中捕获功能集,并将其与服务器端的模板进行比较。但我需要反序列化它并再次创建功能集,以便我可以将它与模板进行比较。
//This is for template retrieval: (no problem here)
String dbTemplate = result.getString("template");
byte[] byteArray = new byte[1];
byteArray = hexStringToByteArray(dbTemplate);
DPFPTemplate template = DPFPGlobal.getTemplateFactory().createTemplate();
byte[] fsArray = new byte[1];
fsArray = hexStringToByteArray(ftSet);
//the problem is here, I've already converted it back into bytearray[] but i need to deserialize it and create the feature set again.
DPFPFeatureSet features = extractFeatures(sample, DPFPDataPurpose.DATA_PURPOSE_VERIFICATION);
//This is for matching features and template
DPFPVerification matcher = DPFPGlobal.getVerificationFactory().createVerification();
DPFPVerificationResult result1 = matcher.verify(features, template);
if (result1.isVerified()) {
return "The fingerprint was VERIFIED.";
} else {
return "The fingerprint was NOT VERIFIED.";