我正在用 Java 做一个项目,在该项目中我使用骰子来模拟二十一点游戏,但是,我遇到了一个我编写了错误代码的区域。如果玩家得分高于他,我正试图让经销商模拟动作。此外,我的checkWinner()
public class BlackJack {
static PairOfDice cards = new PairOfDice();
static Scanner scan = new Scanner(System. in );
static int playerScore, dealerScore, player, dealer, tempScore;
static boolean newGame;
static String play, hit;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// checkWinner();
public static void newGame() {
System.out.println("Would you like to play blackjack? y or n?");
play = scan.nextLine();
if (play == "y"); {
newGame = true;
if (play != "y") newGame = false;
public static void dealerRoll() {
while (newGame) {
dealerScore = (cards.rollDice());
System.out.println("Dealer score is: " + dealerScore);
if (dealerScore <= 15 && playerScore > dealerScore) tempScore = cards.rollDice();
System.out.println("The dice roll was: " + tempScore);
dealerScore += tempScore;
System.out.println("Dealer score is: " + dealerScore);
public static void playerRoll() {
while (newGame) {
playerScore = (cards.rollDice());
System.out.println("You total is " + playerScore);
while (playerScore < 21 || playerScore < dealerScore) {
System.out.println("Would you like to take a hit? y or n?");
hit = scan.nextLine();
if (hit.equals("y")) {
tempScore = cards.rollDice();
System.out.println("The dice roll was: " + tempScore);
playerScore += tempScore;
System.out.println("Your score is now: " + playerScore);
else if (hit.equals("n")); {
public static void checkWinner() {
if (playerScore == 21) System.out.println("You win!");
else if (dealerScore == 21) System.out.println("Sorry, Dealer has won!");
else if (dealerScore > playerScore) System.out.println("Sorry, Dealer has won!");
else if (playerScore > dealer) System.out.println("You win!");
else if (playerScore > 21) System.out.println("Sorry you busted, Dealer has won!");
else if (dealerScore > 21) System.out.println("Dealer has busted, You win!");