There are many issues opend for the google maps v3 infobox.js, but almost all of them are without answeres or with few answeres that are not working in everybody cases.
I personally opend all the suggested questions and none of them was helpfull for me.
- Question 1
I am using infobox insted of default infowindow and i want when one infobox is opend (when i mouseover a marker) all the others should disapear. Also when i mouseout of the marker that infobox should disapear to. So its an application with lots of markers and when i mouse over one a infobox should apear and when i mouseover other marker, the previous infobox should disapear and the new one apears that corespund to the last marker.
Its obvious that i would like something very optimized since i will have more than 1000 markers on the map. (i guess a single infobox that will just change its content and its location)
- Quesiton 2
I want when the infobox apeares, all the markers on the map to be under it, and just that marker that i am mouseover it to be upon the infobox. I tryed with set Zindex and all that i could but nothing. I also change the mapPane and floatPane, but its or under all of them or uppon all of them, but in any case its uppon others and under the current marker.
I will apreacite very much if somebody will come with an answere. Thx (i stay near)