我设计了一个基于链接列表的 BookStore,其中书籍的属性将存储在节点等中。另外,在程序结束时,我必须将所有数据库保存到文本文件中(我尝试过二进制读取,但该死的我被杀了并且无法做到)然后重新加载每本书的所有信息并将其存储在节点并重新制作链接列表。现在保存已完成,完全没有问题。但我在读取文本文件时遇到问题。


BookID(int) - BookName(string) - Author(string) - BookType(string) - Copies(long) - Price(long) - '\n'(转到下一行)

示例: 1 ObjectOrientedParadigm R.Lafore Coding 5 900 2 ObjectOrientedParadigm R.Lafore Coding 5 900 等等......


bool BookStoreDataBase<mytype>::save_all_data()
    if(!is_Empty()) //if list is not empty
        BOOK<mytype> *temp = head;   //created a copy of head
        ofstream file("database.txt", ios_base::app); //created file, to write at the end (append)
        while(temp != tail) //while list ends
            file<<temp->ID<<' '<<temp->bookName<<' '<<temp->author<<' '<<temp->book_type<<' '<<temp->copies<<' '<<temp->price<<' ';  //write all info
            temp = temp->next; //move temp to next node
        file<<temp->ID<<' '<<temp->bookName<<' '<<temp->author<<' '<<temp->book_type<<' '<<temp->copies<<' '<<temp->price<<' '; //for last book's info
        return true; //to confirm sucessfull writing
    else //if list is empty
        return false; //to confirm error in writing

问题:: 当我开始阅读时,第一行被读取并存储在列表中,但是下一次,我不能让文件从下一行读取,因此是'\n'。&这会产生问题。文件再次读取第一行并使用相同的数据创建第二个节点。


void BookStoreDataBase<mytype>::load_all_data()
    int ID;         //variable to store ID of a book
    string bookName;//string to store name of a book
    string author;  //string to store name of author of book
    string book_type;//string to store type of a book
    long copies;    //variable to store no. of copies a book
    long price;     //variable to store price of a book
    string status;  //to store status of a book, either its in stock or not

    ifstream file("database.txt");
    while(file) //I have tried file.eof but its not working, don't know why
        file>>ID>>bookName>>author>>book_type>>copies>>price>>status; //read file

        BOOK<mytype> *temp = new BOOK<mytype>(0, 0, bookName, author, book_type, copies, price);  //create a new node in memory and save all the data

        if(is_Empty()) //if list is empty, then make 1st node
            head = tail = temp;
        else //other wise make the next node
            tail->next = temp;
            temp->prev = tail;
            tail = temp;

MOREOVER 读数比实际记录少 1 倍。即如果 .txt 有 4 本书的记录,则创建 3 个节点,(每个节点中仅重复第 1 个的信息),而它应该读取并创建 4 个节点!



2 回答 2


我建议您使用 获取整行std::getline(),然后使用stringstreamclass 将所有内容从该行读入相应的变量。

于 2012-11-03T12:35:51.107 回答

while (!file.eof())错了,while (file)错了。似乎每个新程序员都无法理解从文件中读取的正确方法。我希望我知道为什么,向新手提供建议会更容易。基本的误解似乎是新手认为您应该先测试文件结尾,然后再阅读。什么时候你应该先阅读,然后看看第二次阅读是否失败。


while (file >> ID >> bookName >> author >> book_type >> copies >> price >> status)



于 2012-11-03T12:41:29.533 回答