我正在尝试使用Aegir-up(基于 Vagrant 的 Aegir 虚拟机)建立一个合适的 Drupal 开发环境。我将说明我如何遵循以下“快速启动”步骤并失败:
安装依赖项,包括 drush-vagrant 和 drush-hosts:
C:\Users\Domas>drush dl drush-vagrant drush-hosts
Install location C:\Users\Domas/.drush/drush-vagrant already exists. Do you want to overwr
ite it? (y/n): y
Project drush-vagrant (7.x-2.0-beta6) downloaded to [success]
Project drush-vagrant contains 0 modules: .
Install location C:\Users\Domas/.drush/drush-hosts already exists. Do you want to overwrit
e it? (y/n): y
Project drush-hosts (7.x-1.1) downloaded to C:\Users\Domas/.drush/drush-hosts. [success]
Project drush-hosts contains 0 modules: .
我不知道“包含 0 个模块”是否重要。我尝试安装 aegir-up:
C:\Users\Domas>drush dl aegir-up
Install location C:\Users\Domas/.drush/aegir-up already exists. Do you want to overwrite i
t? (y/n): y
Project aegir-up (7.x-2.0-alpha1) downloaded to C:\Users\Domas/.drush/aegir-up. [success]
Project aegir-up contains 0 modules: .
最后,我运行 vagrant-build 来启动一个 vagrant 项目(我想),这就是它失败的地方:
C:\Users\Domas>drush vagrant-build --blueprint=aegir
The name of your project may be used in URLs, and so should only contain lower-case letter
s and numbers.
It may also contain hyphens (-) and dots (.), so long as they do not come at the beginning
or end of the name.
What would you like to call your project?: test
Would you like to generate entries in /etc/hosts for the VMs in your project? (y/n): y
You are about to:
* Create a new project called "test" at "C:\Users\Domas/vagrant/projects/test".
* Add entries for the FQDNs of the VMs to /etc/hosts. (You will be prompted for your sud
o password.)
* Generate Drush aliases for the project and VMs.
* Launch the project VMs immediately.
* Build the project using the "aegir" blueprint from the "aegirup" extension.
Do you want to proceed with initializing the project? (y/n): y
Copied the "aegir" blueprint directory to C:\Users\Domas/vagrant/projects/test. [ok]
'egrep' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
symlink(): Cannot create symlink, error code(1314) vagrant.blueprints.inc:90 [warning]
Errors occurred when running "symlink()" in [error]
Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [error]
起初我以为只是缺少 Egrep,我下载了UnxUtils,将其添加到 PATH 并检查 Egrep 是否从命令提示符运行,确实如此。但是,在重做 aegir-up 设置步骤后,我仍然遇到相同的错误。
我对这些工具中的任何一个都不是特别熟悉。我安装了 VirtualBox、Vagrant、Drush 和 NFS 服务器、Ruby、gem。在 Win8 上运行。我整天都在寻找答案。有人可以对此有所了解吗?