鉴于您的特定问题,没有一个 java 标准对象可以解决您的所有问题。这是一个我认为是正确的解决方案,并且不会在您的锁定映射中保留任何不必要的键或值:
// we don't use a ConcurrentHashMap, because we have some other operations
// that need to be performed in atomically with map.put and map.remove.
// ConcurrentHashMap would of course also work, but it doesn't remove the
// need for external synchronization in in our case.
Map<String, CountingLock> locksMap = new HashMap<String, CountingLock>();
HttpResponse myFunction(String key) {
CountingLock lock;
lock = locksMap.get(key);
if(lock == null){
lock = new CountingLock();
locksMap.put(key, lock);
lock.prepare(); // has to be done while holding the lock of locksMap.
// basically tells other threads that the current
// thread intends to acquire the lock soon. This way,
// the other threads know not to remove this lock
// from locksMap as long as another one has indicated
// that he is going to need it soon.
lock.lock(); // has to be done while NOT holding the lock of locksMap,
// or we risk deadlock situations.
try {
// ...
// work
// ...
} finally {
synchronized(locksMap) {
if(lock.unlock() == 0){
// no other thread is intending to use this lock any more.
// It is safe to remove it from the map. The next thread
// will just have to recreate a new lock for the same key.
private static class CountingLock {
// The number of threads that are trying to access the protected Key
private AtomicInteger interestedThreads = new AtomicInteger(0);
private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
public void prepare(){
public void lock(){
public int unlock(){
return interestedThreads.decrementAndGet();