数据库存储在一个 xml 文件中。解析该文件会生成一个嵌套字典,该字典存储在从 collections.OrderedDict 继承的单例对象中。
要求一个元素会给我一个有序的字典,它对应的属性(即 ELEMENTS['C'] --> {'name':'carbon','neutron' : 0,'proton':6, ...} )。
相反,要求一个属性会给我一个有序字典,其中包含所有元素的值(即 ELEMENTS['proton'] --> {'H' : 1, 'He' : 2} ...)。
mass > 10 or (nucleon < 20 and atomic_radius < 5)
其中每个“子查询”(即质量 > 10)将返回与其匹配的元素集。
然后,查询将在内部转换并转换为一个字符串,该字符串将被进一步评估以生成一组与其匹配的元素的索引。在这种情况下,运算符和/或不是布尔运算符,而是作用于 python 集的集成运算符。
我最近发了一个帖子来构建这样的查询。感谢我得到的有用答案,我认为我或多或少地完成了这项工作(我希望以一种好的方式!)但我仍然有一些与 pyparsing 相关的问题。
import numpy
from pyparsing import *
# This import a singleton object storing the datase dictionary as
# described earlier
from ElementsDatabase import ELEMENTS
and_operator = oneOf(['and','&'], caseless=True)
or_operator = oneOf(['or' ,'|'], caseless=True)
# ELEMENTS.properties is a property getter that returns the list of
# registered properties in the database
props = oneOf(ELEMENTS.properties, caseless=True)
# A property keyword can be quoted or not.
props = Suppress('"') + props + Suppress('"') | props
# When parsed, it must be replaced by the following expression that
# will be eval later.
props.setParseAction(lambda t : "numpy.array(ELEMENTS['%s'].values())" % t[0].lower())
quote = QuotedString('"')
integer = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+').setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))
float_ = Regex(r'[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?').setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0]))
comparison_operator = oneOf(['==','!=','>','>=','<', '<='])
comparison_expr = props + comparison_operator + (quote | float_ | integer)
comparison_expr.setParseAction(lambda t : "set(numpy.where(%s)%s%s)" % tuple(t))
grammar = Combine(operatorPrecedence(comparison_expr, [(and_operator, 2, opAssoc.LEFT) (or_operator, 2, opAssoc.LEFT)]))
# A test query
res = grammar.parseString('"mass " > 30 or (nucleon == 1)',parseAll=True)
print eval(' '.join(res._asStringList()))
1 using 'transformString' instead of 'parseString' never triggers any
exception even when the string to be parsed does not match the grammar.
However, it is exactly the functionnality I need. Is there is a way to do so ?
2 I would like to reintroduce white spaces between my tokens in order
that my eval does not fail. The only way I found to do so it the one
implemented above. Would you see a better way using pyparsing ?