我想用 smtp.hotpop.com 试试 esmtp
esend myfriend@yahoo.com "Test"
使用http://www.rebol.org/view-script.r?script=esmtp.r和 http://www.rebol.org/view-script.r?script=esend.r
怎么了 ?
* Incoming/POP Server: pop.hotpop.com, port 110
* Alternate POP Server: pop.hotpop.com, port 1100
* Username: reboltutorial@HotPOP.com
* Outgoing/SMTP Server: smtp.hotpop.com, port 25*
* Email Address: reboltutorial@HotPOP.com
* Reply-To Address: reboltutorial@HotPOP.com (or any other email address you have)
* Leave Messages on server: false (some clients will instead have a "Delete messages from server" option, which should be set to true).
* Maximum Message Size: 500 KB (512000 bytes)
* Mailbox Size: 10 MB
* Mailbox Usage: 0.0% (0.0 KB)
*HotPOP 的外发 (SMTP) 邮件服务器需要验证。用户名和密码与 POP 服务器和网站相同。不要选择“安全”密码验证。