I am the author of rapidjson. Thank you for your question. I recorded this to issue in http://code.google.com/p/rapidjson/issues/detail?id=45
It is due to that GenericValue::Accept() is non-const.
As GenericValue::Accept() just generates events for handler, it does not need to modify the value and its decedents. So it should change from:
template <typename Handler>
GenericValue& Accept(Handler& handler)
template <typename Handler>
const GenericValue& Accept(Handler& handler) const
You may patch this to your rapidjson/document.h or download the latest version (trunk or 0.1x branch).
After this change, you can stringfy a const Value as in tutorial:
const Value& v = ...;
FileStream f(stdout);
PrettyWriter<FileStream> writer(f);
Or to a string buffer:
const Value& v = ...;
StringBuffer buffer;
PrettyWriter<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
const char* json = buffer.GetString();