我在 Eclipse 中进行了相当多的搜索和一些试验和错误,但在使用 Swing 在 Scala 中编写 GUI 时,我对听众和反应的理解似乎存在差距。
这是我的 GUI 代码的缩写版本:
import scala.swing._
import scala.swing.event.ButtonClicked
import scala.swing.event.KeyTyped
import scala.swing.event.KeyPressed
object HumanGUI extends SimpleGUIApplication {
val basicPane = new java.awt.Dimension(800, 200)
val botPane = new java.awt.Dimension(400, 200)
val felt = new java.awt.Color(35, 125, 35)
def top = new MainFrame {
title = "Blackjack GUI"
val ConnectionPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
background = felt
preferredSize = new java.awt.Dimension(155, 90)
minimumSize = preferredSize
maximumSize = preferredSize
val ipAddressLabel = new Label("House IP:")
ipAddressLabel.foreground = java.awt.Color.WHITE
ipAddressLabel.horizontalTextPosition = scala.swing.Alignment.Left
val portLabel = new Label("House port:")
portLabel.foreground = java.awt.Color.WHITE
portLabel.horizontalTextPosition = scala.swing.Alignment.Left
val ipAddressTextField = new TextField
val portTextField = new TextField
contents += ipAddressLabel
contents += ipAddressTextField
contents += portLabel
contents += portTextField
val DetailPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
background = felt
preferredSize = new java.awt.Dimension(100, 160)
minimumSize = preferredSize
maximumSize = preferredSize
val nameLabel = new Label("Your name:")
nameLabel.foreground = java.awt.Color.WHITE
nameLabel.horizontalTextPosition = scala.swing.Alignment.Left
val bankrollLabel = new Label("Bankroll:")
bankrollLabel.foreground = java.awt.Color.WHITE
bankrollLabel.horizontalTextPosition = scala.swing.Alignment.Left
val betLabel = new Label("Bet:")
betLabel.foreground = java.awt.Color.WHITE
betLabel.horizontalTextPosition = scala.swing.Alignment.Left
val nameTextField = new TextField
val bankrollTextField = new TextField
val betTextField = new TextField
val goButton = new Button("Go!")
contents += nameLabel
contents += nameTextField
contents += bankrollLabel
contents += bankrollTextField
contents += betLabel
contents += betTextField
contents += goButton
val PlayPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
background = felt
val hitButton = new Button("Hit")
val stayButton = new Button("Stay")
val doubleButton = new Button("Double")
val quitButton = new Button("Quit")
contents += hitButton
contents += stayButton
contents += doubleButton
contents += quitButton
val playerPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
background = felt
border = new javax.swing.border.LineBorder(java.awt.Color.WHITE)
preferredSize = basicPane
minimumSize = basicPane
maximumSize = basicPane
opaque = true
contents += ConnectionPanel
contents += DetailPanel
contents += PlayPanel
contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
contents += playerPanel
我想对 PlayPanel 中的按钮以及 ConnectionPanel 和 DetailPanel 中的文本字段做出反应。
我是将听众和反应块放置在尽可能靠近我感兴趣的元素的位置,还是在 MainFrame 部分的末尾放置一大块听众和反应?
这段摘自 Odersky 的“Scala 编程”对我帮助最大。具体来说,此页面中的示例:
代码来自文本的第一版,所以我质疑Scala 2.9中是否有更好的方法,但它很简洁,总结了我的误解。
从这个简单的华氏到摄氏度转换器的示例中,我了解到侦听器和反应块属于 MainFrame 的内容块之后。
object HumanGUI extends SimpleSwingGUIApplication {
def top = new MainFrame {
title = "My Blackjack GUI"
//The fields I want to work with are instantiated as object
object ipAddressTextField extends TextField { columns = 15 }
object portNumberTextField extends TextField {columns = 5 }
//other panels, objects, etc would go here
val OtherPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
label = "Other Panel"
//and here we have the contents += block for the mainframe, other panels, etc from
//above would be added to the main frame here
contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
contents += ipAddressTextField
contents += portNumberTextField
//here's the listen to, listening on the object created above, and it's enclosed in
//in backticks, a good explanation of that is found in the link below
reactions += {
case EditDone('ipAddressTextField`) =>
//do something!
所以看来我的问题的答案是 listenTo 和反应块属于 MainFrame 块,但应该出现在它的内容 += { //contents } 块之后。
eclipse 中的额外试验和错误表明,虽然这个解决方案对我有用,但显然还有很多我不明白的地方。例如,如果我尝试在上述代码的
val OtherPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) { }
部分中监听 KeyPress 事件并对其做出反应,我无法让监听器工作,但我能够得到一个按钮注册并像这样工作:
val OtherPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
val betLabel = new Label("Bet:")
val betTextField = new TextField
val goButton = new Button("Go!")
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(b) =>
betTextField.text = "Go!"
contents += betLabel
contents += betTextField
contents += goButton
val OtherPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
val betLabel = new Label("Bet:")
val betTextField = new TextField
val goButton = new Button("Go!")
reactions += {
case KeyTyped(betTextField, Enter, _, _) => {
println("Caught enter")
contents += betLabel
contents += betTextField
contents += goButton
没有工作仍然让我感到困惑。我假设它应该可以工作,而我只是做错了。也许将这种方法与案例 EditDone 而不是案例 KeyTyped( , , , ) 融合会奏效,但我现在有点筋疲力尽,无法跟进。
我还没有接受答案,因为我希望看到这个的人可以澄清我仍然不明白的观点。如果这种情况没有发生并且几天内问题仍未得到解答,我可能会接受@som-snytt 的回答,因为他的代码非常有帮助。