我为我的所有模型添加了一个“用户”字段。当用户创建对象时,我想通过外键附加他们的 ID
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
以前,我使用的是 create_object 和 update_object。我相信我需要切换到基于类的通用视图,以便最轻松地将所需的用户插入到记录中。但是我对如何在调用 create_object 或 update_object 之前在之前的函数中进行一些预先计算感到困惑。
def edit_item(request, modelname, submodelname=None, slug=None, id=None):
# Get parameter "next" to determine where to send user after object is created or updated
# Define which template to use
# Determine whether user is converting an object to another type
# Determine which form_class to use based on modelname and whether user is converting or not
# Redirect user if slug and id are not both correct
# Abort if user hit cancel instead of submit
# If object exists (slug and id are defined):
# Update_object with form_class, object_id, template_name, post_save_redirect, and extra_context
# Else
# Create_object with form_class, template_name, post_save_redirect, and extra_context
在基于类的通用视图中,我如何/在何处/何时执行其中一些计算(围绕定义模板或基于标准的 form_class 的逻辑)?我很困惑,因为文档似乎直接进入定义:
class ContactView(FormView):
template_name = 'contact.html'
form_class = ContactForm
success_url = '/thanks/'
class ContactView(FormView):
A = 1 + 2
if A == 3:
template_name = 'contact.html'
template_name = 'contact_two.html'
form_class = ContactForm
success_url = '/thanks/'
以及我将/应该如何改变我的逻辑以转移到使用 CreateView 或 UpdateView 与我在这里在同一函数中使用 create_object 或 update_object 所做的,这取决于是否定义了 slug/id?