我做了一个网站的wordpress主题。我使用 Starker Theme 进行 wordpress 主题开发。现在我想让我的网站移动友好。是否有任何解决方案可以为此目的进行少量更改或使用一些插件?我已经尝试过 wptouch、WordPress Mobile Pack 和 MobilePress,但它们都不起作用。我在http://mobiletest.me上检查了我的输出,但这没有显示准​​确的移动输出(输出与我的 PC 浏览器上的输出相同)。这个测试站点或插件有问题吗?这一切都让我感到困惑。



2 回答 2


I'm the developer of MobileTest.me, just want to clarify a few things. As you have correctly noticed, mobiletest.me uses your PC browser's engine to render the website you want to test. This is by design as it was created as a tool to test responsive web design. The mobile devices are provided as an indicator of common smartphone resolutions.

If what you want is to send a different theme to desktop browsers and a different one to mobile devices then you probably need a wordpress plugin such as mobile detector. The problem with this approach is that if the plugin fails to determine the device browser correctly, it will probably send the PC version to a mobile device.

The other approach is responsive design which sends different CSS based on the resolution of a device and does not rely on browser detection. If you decide to go the responsive way you may find this post useful where you can check some examples of how mobiletest.me can be used to check responsive web designs (images are clickable).

于 2013-03-31T23:03:54.160 回答

您可能没有正确检查您的网站。确保你的 html 头标签中有这行代码:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


于 2012-11-02T16:33:53.447 回答