我试图找出转换这个 mysql 查询的最佳方法
SUM(invite.friendID = $mID AND invite.decidedwhen = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND evnt.ends >= '$event_ts' and invite.isactive = 0 and evnt.isactive = 0) AS invites_undecided,
SUM(invite.friendID = $mID AND invite.decidedwhen != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND invite.yes = 1 AND evnt.ends >= '$event_ts' and invite.isactive = 0) and evnt.isactive = 0 AS invites_yes,
SUM(invite.friendID = $mID AND invite.decidedwhen != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND invite.no = 1 AND evnt.ends >= '$event_ts' and invite.isactive = 0 and evnt.isactive = 0) AS invites_no,
SUM(invite.friendID = $mID AND invite.decidedwhen != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND invite.maybe = 1 AND evnt.ends >= '$event_ts' and invite.isactive = 0 and evnt.isactive = 0) AS invites_maybe
FROM user_event_invite AS invite
JOIN user_event AS evnt ON evnt.eID = invite.eID
到使用 Codeigniters 活动记录格式的东西。例如
->... something?
标准的 mysql 语句工作得很好。但是以坚持统一的名义,我想使用活动记录。有什么办法吗?我找不到任何东西SUM()