我想听这个名为 submitDetails 的按钮,这是我的注册按钮。基本上我想将表单中的信息发送到 mysql 但那部分现在应该没问题我希望我的按钮可以收听电话。当被调用时,它应该收集我认为我在我的代码行中完成的所有信息,但我不确定我是否正确地完成了那部分(我使用了 isset($_GET..)而不是 $_POST ?? 认为我需要在 POST 之前获取它们 .. 还是我错了?

我还没有玩过PhP,而且我之前没有制作按钮来听电话然后采取行动,所以我不确定..我阅读的另一种方式是ajax,但它非常令人困惑,我不能让我头脑清醒,它只能通过将您发送到另一个 php 页面来工作,对吗?或者我可以让它在当前的 PhP 页面中向 mysql 发送数据吗?


   // here you do whatever you want when button is pressed 


<style type="text/css">
body {
background-image: url(http://i45.tinypic.com/2iw61x5.png);
background-color: #333;

    echo "<form><font color='white'><P ALIGN='right'>• Hello guest, please <a href='loginPage.php'><font color='white'>login</font></a> / <a href='registerPage.php'><font color='white'>register</font></a>.</P></font>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>";  // starting from here
    echo "<tr><td>

            <u><P ALIGN='left'><b><font size='5' color='black'>Register_______________________________________________________________</font></b></P></u>   
    echo "</form></table>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>"; 
    echo "<tr><td>
            <TD><b><Username: </b></TD>
            <TD><input type='text' name='Username' id='Username' size='121.5' /></TD>
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>";
    echo "<tr><td>
            <TD><b>Password: <b></TD></P>
            <TD><input type='password' name='Password' id='Password' size='122' /></TD>
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>";
    echo "<tr><td>
            <TD><b>Re-Password: <b></TD></P>
            <TD><input type='password' name='Re-Password' id='Re-Password' size='118' /></TD>
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>";
    echo "<tr><td>
            <TD><b>Email: <b></TD></P>
            <TD><input type='password' name='EmailAddress' id='EmailAddress' size='126' /></TD>
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<form method='post'><divstyle='float:center'><P ALIGN='center'><input type='submit' id='submitDetails' name='submitDetails' value='Register'></P></div></form>";

    $username = isset($_GET['Username']);
    $password = isset($_GET['Password']);
    $repassword = isset($_GET['Re-Password']);
    $email = isset($_GET['EmailAddress']);

    if(!$email == "" && (!strstr($email,"@") || !strstr($email,".")))
        echo "<h2>Please enter valid e-mail.</h2>\n";
        die ("Thank you.");

    if(empty($username)  || empty($password) || empty($repassword) || empty($email))
        echo "<h2>Please fill in all fields, click the back button to retry</h2>\n";
        die ("Thank you.");

    $message = "Hello $username" .", We have successfuly recieved all your details and stored in our database, please proceed by logging in the website if havn't already.";
    $subject = "Media Registration";



2 回答 2

<style type="text/css">
body {
background-image: url(http://i45.tinypic.com/2iw61x5.png);
background-color: #333;

    echo "<form method='post' action='?'><font color='white'><P ALIGN='right'>• Hello guest, please <a href='loginPage.php'><font color='white'>login</font></a> / <a href='registerPage.php'><font color='white'>register</font></a>.</P></font>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>";  // starting from here
    echo "<tr><td>

            <u><P ALIGN='left'><b><font size='5' color='black'>Register_______________________________________________________________</font></b></P></u>   
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>"; 
    echo "<tr><td>
            <TD><b><Username: </b></TD>
            <TD><input type='text' name='Username' id='Username' size='121.5' /></TD>
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>";
    echo "<tr><td>
            <TD><b>Password: <b></TD></P>
            <TD><input type='password' name='Password' id='Password' size='122' /></TD>
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>";
    echo "<tr><td>
            <TD><b>Re-Password: <b></TD></P>
            <TD><input type='password' name='Re-Password' id='Re-Password' size='118' /></TD>
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<table width='850' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='0' align='center' bgcolor='#ECF7F7'>";
    echo "<tr><td>
            <TD><b>Email: <b></TD></P>
            <TD><input type='password' name='EmailAddress' id='EmailAddress' size='126' /></TD>
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<div style='float:center'><P ALIGN='center'><input type='submit' id='submitDetails' name='submitDetails' value='Register'></P></div></form>";

    $username = $_POST['Username'];
    $password = $_POST['Password'];
    $repassword = $_POST['Re-Password'];
    $email = $_POST['EmailAddress'];

    if(!$email == "" && (!strstr($email,"@") || !strstr($email,".")))
        echo "<h2>Please enter valid e-mail.</h2>\n";
        die ("Thank you.");

    if(empty($username)  || empty($password) || empty($repassword) || empty($email))
        echo "<h2>Please fill in all fields, click the back button to retry</h2>\n";
        die ("Thank you.");

    $message = "Hello $username" .", We have successfuly recieved all your details and stored in our database, please proceed by logging in the website if havn't already.";
    $subject = "Media Registration";




I fixed the form tags, I added method="post" and the action="?" in order to post the data to the same page, in the "POST" method.

I have also added the isset($_POST['submitDetails']) condition, in order to check whether the submit button was clicked or not.

于 2012-11-02T00:18:29.207 回答

Ok, in your tag you need to specify the location, where the request and all the form that will be sent. it must be a php file, which can receive this data either from $_GET or $_POST arrays, read them and do whatever you need. use this form tag: create a file called formPost.php in the same location of your current file, open it and write: that might give you a sight where you are now

于 2012-11-02T00:15:23.303 回答