When I replace the tiny_anim.x animation file with another one in the DirectX multianimation demo I get the following error:

Assertion failure! (s:\gfx_sdknovember08\windows\directx\dxg\d3d11\d3dx9\anim\loadxh.cpp 1392): D3DXFrameNumNamedMatrices(pframeRoot) == plc->cNamedMatrices
D3DX: ID3DXAnimationController::RegisterAnimationOutput: Number of matrices registered is equal to the max number set at creation time.

This is only with some exported models and not with all.

What could be causing this problem?


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您使用的是 2008 年 11 月的 SDK?尝试使用 2009 年 3 月的 SDK(或 2009 年 8 月的 SDK,如果在您阅读本文时它已经发布)。

于 2009-09-05T18:15:04.640 回答