所以我试图让这个权限应用程序运行起来。我被困在我想让字符串 adkey 成为复选框的名称,如“cbo”和 adkey。以便相同的字符串将复选框的名称。我有点生气,把整个东西都抄在这里了,所以有点乱。

Dim ADkey As String() =
        {"NoChangingWallpaper", "NoHTMlWallpaper"}
    ' Dim cbo As String = 
    Dim cho As CheckBox
    cho = CType("cbo" & ADkey), CheckBox)
    Dim readvalue = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue(
        "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ActiveDesktop", ADkey, Nothing)
    'MsgBox("The value is " & CStr(readValue))
    ' Dim cho(ADkey) As CheckBox
    cho.Name = ADkey
    If readvalue = "1" Then
        cho.Checked = True
        cho.Checked = False
    End If

msgbox 部分用于测试


1 回答 1


您应该将所有复选框添加到Dictionary(Of String, Checkbox)对象:

Dim ADkey As String() =
    {"NoChangingWallpaper", "NoHTMlWallpaper"}

'This code can move to where the checkboxes are first created, as long as you can reach the variable from here
Dim checkboxes As New Dictionary(Of String, Checkbox) From 
     {"NoChangingWallpaper", cboNoChangingWallpaper},
     {"NoHTMlWallpaper", cboNoHTMLWallpaper}

For Each key As String in ADKey.Where(Function(k) checkboxes.ContainsKey(k))
    Dim regvalue As Boolean = (My.Computer.Registry.GetValue(
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ActiveDesktop", key, Nothing)="1")
    Dim box As Checkbox = checkboxes(key)
    box.Name = key
    box.Checked = regvalue
Next Key


'This code can move to where the checkboxes are first created, as long as you can reach the variable from here
Dim checkboxes As New Dictionary(Of String, Checkbox) From 
     {"NoChangingWallpaper", cboNoChangingWallpaper},
     {"NoHTMlWallpaper", cboNoHTMLWallpaper}

For Each key As String in checkboxes.Keys
    Dim regvalue As Boolean = (My.Computer.Registry.GetValue(
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ActiveDesktop", key, Nothing)="1")
    Dim box As Checkbox = checkboxes(key)
    box.Name = key
    box.Checked = regvalue
Next Key


于 2012-11-01T19:53:44.977 回答