my question might be a little strange. I've "developed" an algorithm and don't know if there's a similar algorithm already out there.
The situation: I've got a track defined by track points (2D). The track points represent turns for instance. Between the track points there are only straight lines. Now I'm given a set of coordinates in this 2D space. I calculate the distance from the first track point to the new coordinates and the distance for the interval for the first two track points. If the distance to the measured coordinates is shorter than the distance from the first to the second track point, I'm assuming that this point lies in between this interval. I then do a linear interpolation on that. If it's bigger, I'll check with the next interval.
So it's basically taking interval distances and trying to fit them in there. I'm trying to track an object moving approximately along this track.
Does this sound familiar to somebody? Can somebody come up with a suggestion for a similiar existing algorithm?
EDIT: From what I've stated so far, I want to clarify that a position is not multiply associated to track points. Consider the fine ASCII drawing Jonathan made:
The X position is found to be within Segment 1 and 2 (S12). Now the next position is Y, which is not to be considered close enough to be on S12. I'll move on to S23, and check if it's in.
If it's in, I won't be checking S12 for any other value, because I found one in the next segment already. The algorithm "doesn't look back".
But if it doesn't find the right segment from there on, because it happenend to be to far away from the first segment, but still further away from any other segment anyhow, I will drop the value and the next position will be looked for back in S12, again.
The loop still remains a problem. Consider I get Y for S23 and then skip two or three positions (as they are too far off), I might be losing track. I could determine one position in S34 where it would be already in S56.
Maybe I can come up with some average speed to vage tell in what segment it should be.
It seems the bigger the segments are, the bigger the chance to make a right decision.