问题:我正在尝试将双向链接列表的对象写入(二进制写入)文件并从中写入。我必须写入对象的完整内容,然后从文件中加载它,并将其存储到新对象中,以按 FIFO 顺序重新创建列表。我认为我写得正确,但我真的不知道如何从文件中加载(读取)它。
//template type BOOK class
template<class mytype>
class BOOK
static int count; //declaration of static variable to set ID for books
BOOK<mytype> *next, *prev; //BOOK type pointers; 'next' to store address of
next BOOK & 'prev' to store address of previous BOOK
int ID; //variable to store ID of a book
string bookName;//string to store name of a book
string author; //string to store name of author of book
string book_type;//string to store type of a book
long copies; //variable to store no. of copies a book
long price; //variable to store price of a book
string status; //to store status of a book, either its in stock or not
dynamicQueue<string> book_queue; //created an object of queueClass as data member of each Book
BOOK() //Constructor 0 argument to initialize everything
count++; //increment counter
ID=count; //assign counter to ID to be ID of newly added book
next = prev = 0; //Initializing both pointers to 0
bookName = "\0";
author = "\0";
book_type = "\0";
copies = price = 0;
status= "InStock";
BOOK(BOOK *n = 0, BOOK *p = 0, string book = "\0", string athr = "\0", string buk_type = "\0", long cp=0, long pr=0) //Constructor multiple arguments, to store information about a book
next = n; //store contents of user-given value n into next
prev = p; //store contents of user-given value p into previous
bookName = book;//store contents of user-given value book into bookName
author = athr; //store contents of user-given value athr into author
book_type = buk_type;//store contents of user-given value buk_type into book_type
copies = cp; //store contents of user-given value cp into copies
price = pr; //store contents of user-given value pr into price
status= "InStock";
count++; //increment counter
ID=count; //assign counter to ID to be ID of newly added book
template <class mytype> // declaration of
int BOOK<mytype>::count=0; // static variable to set ID for books
BookStoreDataBase<char> obj; //created object of Doubly linked list
string Book, Author, Booktype;
long Copies=1, Price=0;
cout<<"Enter Name of Book = "; cin>>Book;
cout<<"Enter Author = "; cin>>Author;
cout<<"Enter Type of Book = "; cin>>Booktype;
cout<<"Enter Number of Copies = "; cin>>Copies;
cout<<"Enter Price (PKR) = "; cin>>Price;
obj.addBook(Book, Author, Booktype, Copies, Price);
template <class mytype>
void DoublyLinkedList<mytype>::save_data()
NODE<mytype> * temp = head; //made copy of head
fstream file; //created new file
file.open("mydata.txt", ios::binary | ios::out | ios::app);
while(temp->next!=0) //Until link list end
file.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&temp), sizeof(temp));
temp = temp - > next; //move temp to next node
file.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&temp), sizeof(temp)); //write again for last
//book's data
现在我几乎不知道如何从文件中读取列表,将内容存储到每个节点中并扰乱保存的排列,以 FIFO 顺序重新创建列表。所以我可以稍后打印。我已经练习了很多,去了论坛等,但没有找到任何具体的解决方案。请帮帮我。提前致谢
template <class mytype>
void DoublyLinkedList<mytype>::load_data()
fstream file;
file.open("mydata.txt", ios::binary | ios::in);
NODE<mytype> *temp = new NODE<mytype>;
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&temp), sizeof(temp));
head = tail = temp;
temp->prev->next = temp;
运行时错误: DobulyList.exe 中 0x00CD8391 处的未处理异常:0xC0000005:访问冲突写入位置 0x00000004。