我想获得最终版本的 .apk 文件,但是当我在手机上安装程序时,程序不显示地图,但是当我在 eclipse 中运行程序时,程序运行正常。我想,也许这个程序没有地图库。问题是什么?我应该怎么办?
2 回答
It's because you are deploying using the Google Maps Api key for debug, not for release.
You should read https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/mapkey.
Hope it helps, and if you need more helps let me know.
Steps to generate apiKey for release:
1. Build Keystore - from eclipse > right click on project and then android tools > Export Signed Application Package
2. Open cmd and write
c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin > keytool -v -list -alias <your alias> -keystore <path to keystore>
where < your alias > is one used when generating the keystore
< path to keystore > to path where you have placed the keystore
This command can be different for you.
You will get the MD5 code needed for generating the api key.
Hope this helps.
谢谢我写了这个,cmd不写MD5!我把 pictur cmd 放在下面。