There was an error with the in-App-Purchase.

Requests are very long (>10 sec), and after the abolition of the request window appears several times: "enter your password".

The error is not stable, it appears and disappears on the iphone 3g. for ipad 3 and iPhone 4 does not have this error, even though requests are also very long.

It looks like a network problem, but with the Internet all right. Everything worked fine a few days ago.


1 回答 1



productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveRespons

检查你的 iPhone 模拟器有多少次点击这个功能——我相信你可以调试 storekit 的这一部分。


此外,请确保您已退出常规 iTunes 帐户。出现提示后,使用您使用 iTunes-connect 网站创建的沙盒用户 ID 登录。

如果您看到点击 didReceiveRespons 的延迟很长,唯一的原因可能是外部延迟,您对此无能为力。

于 2012-11-01T14:16:10.147 回答