我正在尝试使用客户端库 v3 将视频上传到 youtube。
v3 库是实验性的,没有太多文档(提供的示例不包括 youtube)
我已经使用 oauth 2.0 正确验证了用户。当我有访问令牌时,我正在尝试使用此代码。
if ($client->getAccessToken()) {
$snippet = new Google_VideoSnippet();
$snippet -> setTitle = "Demo title";
$snippet -> setDescriptio = "Demo descrition";
$snippet -> setTags = array("tag1","tag2");
$snippet -> setMimeType = 'video/quicktime';
$video = new Google_Video();
$video -> setSnippet($snippet);
// Not sure what to do now....
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
The part parameter serves two purposes in this operation. It identifies the properties that the write operation will set as well as the properties that the API response will include.
The part names that you can include in the parameter value are snippet, contentDetails, player, statistics, status, and topicDetails. However, not all of those parts contain properties that can be set when setting or updating a video's metadata. For example, the statistics object encapsulates statistics that YouTube calculates for a video and does not contain values that you can set or modify. If the parameter value specifies a part that does not contain mutable values, that part will still be included in the API response.
请不要给出 zend 库的示例/链接,它使用了我不想要的 auth-sub。我想使用 oauth 2.0。