Format(3000, "us"); // => Resulting text: "three thousand dollars"
是否有可以处理的 .NET 库(俄语是强制性的)?
是否有可以处理的 .NET 库(俄语是强制性的)?
您必须自己编写,但我建议您看一下以下内容: 将数字转换为单词 C#, 如何将整数转换为其口头表示?正如其中之一所说,查看项目 Euler 问题编号 17并将其用于更广泛的谷歌搜索。
// Gives USD
var ISOCode = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.RegionInfo("US").ISOCurrencySymbol
// Gives $
var symbol = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.RegionInfo("US").CurrencySymbol
// Gives USD Dollar (i believe :))
var nameUSDENG = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.RegionInfo("US").CurrencyEnglishName
// Gives Svensk Krona
var nameSEKSWE = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.RegionInfo("SE").CurrencyNativeName
// Gives Swedish Krona
var nameSEKENG = System.Globalization.RegionInfo.RegionInfo("SE").CurrencyEnglishName
你可以在这里看到它的内容:NuGet 本周包:Humanizer 使 .NET 数据类型更人性化
1.ToWords() => "one"
10.ToWords() => "ten"
11.ToWords() => "eleven"
122.ToWords() => "one hundred and twenty-two"
3501.ToWords() => "three thousand five hundred and one"
您还可以将第二个参数 GrammaticalGender 传递给 ToWords,以指定数字应以哪种性别输出。
1.ToWords(GrammaticalGender.Masculine) => "один"
1.ToWords(GrammaticalGender.Feminine) => "одна"
1.ToWords(GrammaticalGender.Neuter) => "одно"
public static class NumberExtensions
public static String toCurrency(this double number, String major, String minor, String endStr, int minorLength)
return ((decimal)number).toCurrency(major, minor, endStr, minorLength);
public static String toCurrency(this decimal number, String major, String minor, String endStr, int minorLength)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(major)) throw new Exception("Must specify major currency");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(minor)) throw new Exception("Must specify minor currency");
String numb = number.ToString();
String val = "", wholeNo = numb, points = "", andStr = major, pointStr = "";
int decimalPlace = numb.IndexOf(".");
if (decimalPlace > 0)
wholeNo = numb.Substring(0, decimalPlace);
points = numb.Substring(decimalPlace + 1);
if (points.Length > minorLength) throw new Exception("Incorrect format");
if (Convert.ToInt32(points) > 0)
andStr = major + " and";
endStr = minor + " " + endStr;
pointStr = Int32.Parse(points.Length == 1 ? points + "0" : points).toWords();
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pointStr))
if (endStr == minor + " " || endStr == null)
val = String.Format("{0} {1}", Int32.Parse(wholeNo).toWords().Trim(), andStr.Trim());
val = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", Int32.Parse(wholeNo).toWords().Trim(), andStr.Trim(), endStr.Trim());
val = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", Int32.Parse(wholeNo).toWords().Trim(), andStr.Trim(), pointStr.Trim(), endStr.Trim());
return val;
public static string toWords(this int number)
if (number == 0)
return "Zero";
if (number < 0)
return "minus " + Math.Abs(number).toWords();
string words = "";
if ((number / 1000000) > 0)
words += (number / 1000000).toWords().TrimEnd() + " Million ";
number %= 1000000;
if ((number / 1000) > 0)
words += (number / 1000).toWords().TrimEnd() + " Thousand ";
number %= 1000;
if ((number / 100) > 0)
words += (number / 100).toWords().TrimEnd() + " Hundred ";
number %= 100;
if (number > 0)
if (words != "")
words += "and ";
var unitsMap = new[] { "Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen" };
var tensMap = new[] { "Zero", "Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety" };
if (number < 20)
words += unitsMap[number];
words += tensMap[number / 10];
if ((number % 10) > 0)
words += "-" + unitsMap[number % 10];
return words;
public class NumbericExtensionMethodsTests
: TestBase
[TestCase(0.0, null, null, null, 2, ExpectedException = typeof(Exception))]
[TestCase(0.0, "", null, null, 2, ExpectedException = typeof(Exception))]
[TestCase(0.0, null, "", null, 2, ExpectedException = typeof(Exception))]
[TestCase(0.0, "", "", null, 2, ExpectedException = typeof(Exception))]
[TestCase(0.001, "Rand", "Cent", null, 2, ExpectedException = typeof(Exception))]
[TestCase(0.001, "Rand", "Cent", null, 3, Result = "Zero Rand and One Cent")]
[TestCase(0, "Rand", "Cent", null, 2, Result = "Zero Rand")]
[TestCase(0.0, "Rand", "Cent", null, 2, Result = "Zero Rand")]
[TestCase(0.01, "Rand", "Cent", null, 2, Result = "Zero Rand and One Cent")]
[TestCase(0.1, "Rand", "Cent", null, 2, Result = "Zero Rand and Ten Cent")]
[TestCase(0.10, "Rand", "Cent", null, 2, Result = "Zero Rand and Ten Cent")]
[TestCase(0.10, "Rand", "Cent", "only", 2, Result = "Zero Rand and Ten Cent only")]
[TestCase(1.10, "Rand", "Cent", "only", 2, Result = "One Rand and Ten Cent only")]
[TestCase(1.0, "Rand", "Cent", "only", 2, Result = "One Rand only")]
[TestCase(123312.32, "Rand", "Cent", null, 2, Result = "One Hundred and Twenty-Three Thousand Three Hundred and Twelve Rand and Thirty-Two Cent")]
public string NumberToCurrency(decimal number, string major, string minor, string endStr, int minorLength)
return number.toCurrency(major, minor, endStr, minorLength);
[TestCase(0, Result = "Zero")]
[TestCase(1, Result = "One")]
[TestCase(2, Result = "Two")]
[TestCase(3, Result = "Three")]
[TestCase(4, Result = "Four")]
[TestCase(5, Result = "Five")]
[TestCase(6, Result = "Six")]
[TestCase(7, Result = "Seven")]
[TestCase(8, Result = "Eight")]
[TestCase(9, Result = "Nine")]
[TestCase(10, Result = "Ten")]
[TestCase(11, Result = "Eleven")]
[TestCase(12, Result = "Twelve")]
[TestCase(13, Result = "Thirteen")]
[TestCase(14, Result = "Fourteen")]
[TestCase(15, Result = "Fifteen")]
[TestCase(16, Result = "Sixteen")]
[TestCase(17, Result = "Seventeen")]
[TestCase(18, Result = "Eighteen")]
[TestCase(19, Result = "Nineteen")]
[TestCase(20, Result = "Twenty")]
[TestCase(30, Result = "Thirty")]
[TestCase(40, Result = "Forty")]
[TestCase(50, Result = "Fifty")]
[TestCase(60, Result = "Sixty")]
[TestCase(70, Result = "Seventy")]
[TestCase(80, Result = "Eighty")]
[TestCase(90, Result = "Ninety")]
[TestCase(99, Result = "Ninety-Nine")]
[TestCase(100, Result = "One Hundred")]
[TestCase(101, Result = "One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(111, Result = "One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(121, Result = "One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(1000, Result = "One Thousand")]
[TestCase(1001, Result = "One Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(1011, Result = "One Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(1021, Result = "One Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(1100, Result = "One Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(1101, Result = "One Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(1111, Result = "One Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(1121, Result = "One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(12000, Result = "Twelve Thousand")]
[TestCase(12001, Result = "Twelve Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(12011, Result = "Twelve Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(12021, Result = "Twelve Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(12100, Result = "Twelve Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(12101, Result = "Twelve Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(12111, Result = "Twelve Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(12121, Result = "Twelve Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(60000, Result = "Sixty Thousand")]
[TestCase(60001, Result = "Sixty Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(60011, Result = "Sixty Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(60021, Result = "Sixty Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(60100, Result = "Sixty Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(60101, Result = "Sixty Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(60111, Result = "Sixty Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(60121, Result = "Sixty Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(61000, Result = "Sixty-One Thousand")]
[TestCase(61001, Result = "Sixty-One Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(61011, Result = "Sixty-One Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(61021, Result = "Sixty-One Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(61100, Result = "Sixty-One Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(61101, Result = "Sixty-One Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(61111, Result = "Sixty-One Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(61121, Result = "Sixty-One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(100000, Result = "One Hundred Thousand")]
[TestCase(100001, Result = "One Hundred Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(100011, Result = "One Hundred Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(100021, Result = "One Hundred Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(100100, Result = "One Hundred Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(100101, Result = "One Hundred Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(100111, Result = "One Hundred Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(100121, Result = "One Hundred Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(101000, Result = "One Hundred and One Thousand")]
[TestCase(101001, Result = "One Hundred and One Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(101011, Result = "One Hundred and One Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(101021, Result = "One Hundred and One Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(101100, Result = "One Hundred and One Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(101101, Result = "One Hundred and One Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(101111, Result = "One Hundred and One Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(101121, Result = "One Hundred and One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(112000, Result = "One Hundred and Twelve Thousand")]
[TestCase(112001, Result = "One Hundred and Twelve Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(112011, Result = "One Hundred and Twelve Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(112021, Result = "One Hundred and Twelve Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(112100, Result = "One Hundred and Twelve Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(112101, Result = "One Hundred and Twelve Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(112111, Result = "One Hundred and Twelve Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(112121, Result = "One Hundred and Twelve Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(160000, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty Thousand")]
[TestCase(160001, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(160011, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(160021, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(160100, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(160101, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(160111, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(160121, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(161000, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand")]
[TestCase(161001, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand and One")]
[TestCase(161011, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand and Eleven")]
[TestCase(161021, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(161100, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand One Hundred")]
[TestCase(161101, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand One Hundred and One")]
[TestCase(161111, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand One Hundred and Eleven")]
[TestCase(161121, Result = "One Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One")]
[TestCase(1000000, Result = "One Million")]
[TestCase(Int32.MaxValue, Result = "Two Thousand One Hundred and Forty-Seven Million Four Hundred and Eighty-Three Thousand Six Hundred and Forty-Seven")]
/*Assuming Millions will work if Thousands worked*/
public string IntToWords(int number)
return number.toWords().Trim();
- LukeH 将数字转换为
函数的单词的答案。(感谢 Lankymart 找到这个。)- 其他不知道的请编辑,如果发现请给予信任
数字到文本转换器。支持的语言 英语 俄语 西班牙语 土耳其语
var number = 123456.78
var moneyText = number.ToText("usd", "en");
var number = 123456.78;
var moneyText = number.ToText(Nut.Currency.USD, Nut.Language.English);
var number = 123456.78;
var options = new Nut.Options {
MainUnitNotConvertedToText = true,
SubUnitNotConvertedToText = true,
MainUnitFirstCharUpper = true,
SubUnitFirstCharUpper = true,
CurrencyFirstCharUpper = true,
SubUnitZeroNotDisplayed = true
var moneyText = number.ToText(Nut.Currency.USD, Nut.Language.English, options);
它也可以在 nuget 上获得:https ://www.nuget.org/packages/NickBuhro.NumToWords
var unit = new UnitOfMeasure(Gender.Masculine, "доллар", "доллара", "долларов");
var text = RussianConverter.Format(3000, unit);
// Output: три тысячи долларов