因此,我将联系人转换为 vCard 字符串并将 vCard 字符串发送
到服务器,并将带有 RecordID 的 vCard 字符串存储到 sqlite 数据库中因此,当用户第一次想要备份所有联系人时,将转到服务器和数据库中。
例如,我有像 40,41,42,43,44,45 这样的 RecordIds 进入 dbarray。不一定按顺序或顺序。
现在当用户添加 5 个新联系人时,电话簿数组将包含诸如 40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、50 之类的记录 ID
所以这次我只想发送recordIds 46,47,48,49和50的联系人。类似于增量备份
我还需要检查存储的 vCard 中是否有任何修改。所以我还需要比较电话簿数组和数据库数组中的所有 vCard 字符串。
我是 iOS 编程新手,我被困住了。请帮忙!!!这很紧急
185 次
1 回答
NSMutableArray *newContact = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *newContactRecIds = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *updateContactRecIds = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *updateContactRecIds = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
//dataArray contains all the contacts(converted into Vcard strings) in the phonebook
//recordIDArray contains the all recordids in the phonebook
//dbArraywithRID contains the recordids stored in database.
//dbArraywithVcard contains contacts(converted into Vcard strings)stored in database
for(int i=0;i< dataArray.count;i++)
BOOL found = NO;
int phoneBookRecId=[[recordIDArray objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
NSString * currentPhVc=[dataArray objectAtIndex:i];
for(int j=0;j< dbArraywithRID.count;j++)
int dbRecId=[[dbArraywithRID objectAtIndex:j] intValue];
if(dbRecId == phoneBookRecId)
found =YES;
NSString * currentDBVc=[dbArraywithVcard objectAtIndex:j];
if(![currentDBVc isEqualToString:currentPhVc])
NSLog(@" db rec =%@ - %@ ",currentDBVc,currentPhVc );
[updateContactRecIds addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:phoneBookRecId]];
[newContact addObject:currentPhVc];
[newContactRecIds addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:phoneBookRecId]];
[newContact addObject:currentPhVc];
[newContactRecIds addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:phoneBookRecId]];
if(newContact!=nil && [newContact count] > 0)
//newContact array contains all the contacts(vcard strings) that are new
if(updateContactRecIds!=nil && [updateContactRecIds count] > 0)
updateContactRecIds contains all the recordids which need to be updated
于 2012-11-08T10:18:32.573 回答