如果你有一个来自 BST 的后序遍历的数组,你就知道根是数组的最后一个元素。根的左孩子占据了数组的第一部分,并且由小于根的条目组成。然后是右孩子,由大于根的元素组成。(两个孩子都可能是空的)。
| | |R|
left child right child root
BST fromPostOrder(value[] nodes) {
// No nodes, no tree
if (nodes == null) return null;
return recursiveFromPostOrder(nodes, 0, nodes.length - 1);
// Construct a BST from a segment of the nodes array
// That segment is assumed to be the post-order traversal of some subtree
private BST recursiveFromPostOrder(value[] nodes,
int leftIndex, int rightIndex) {
// Empty segment -> empty tree
if (rightIndex < leftIndex) return null;
// single node -> single element tree
if (rightIndex == leftIndex) return new BST(nodes[leftIndex]);
// It's a post-order traversal, so the root of the tree
// is in the last position
value rootval = nodes[rightIndex];
// Construct the root node, the left and right subtrees are then
// constructed in recursive calls, after finding their extent
BST root = new BST(rootval);
// It's supposed to be the post-order traversal of a BST, so
// * left child comes first
// * all values in the left child are smaller than the root value
// * all values in the right child are larger than the root value
// Hence we find the last index in the range [leftIndex .. rightIndex-1]
// that holds a value smaller than rootval
int leftLast = findLastSmaller(nodes, leftIndex, rightIndex-1, rootval);
// The left child occupies the segment [leftIndex .. leftLast]
// (may be empty) and that segment is the post-order traversal of it
root.left = recursiveFromPostOrder(nodes, leftIndex, leftLast);
// The right child occupies the segment [leftLast+1 .. rightIndex-1]
// (may be empty) and that segment is the post-order traversal of it
root.right = recursiveFromPostOrder(nodes, leftLast + 1, rightIndex-1);
// Both children constructed and linked to the root, done.
return root;
// find the last index of a value smaller than cut in a segment of the array
// using binary search
// supposes that the segment contains the concatenation of the post-order
// traversals of the left and right subtrees of a node with value cut,
// in particular, that the first (possibly empty) part of the segment contains
// only values < cut, and the second (possibly empty) part only values > cut
private int findLastSmaller(value[] nodes, int first, int last, value cut) {
// If the segment is empty, or the first value is larger than cut,
// by the assumptions, there is no value smaller than cut in the segment,
// return the position one before the start of the segment
if (last < first || nodes[first] > cut) return first - 1;
int low = first, high = last, mid;
// binary search for the last index of a value < cut
// invariants: nodes[low] < cut
// (since cut is the root value and a BST has no dupes)
// and nodes[high] > cut, or (nodes[high] < cut < nodes[high+1]), or
// nodes[high] < cut and high == last, the latter two cases mean that
// high is the last index in the segment holding a value < cut
while (low < high && nodes[high] > cut) {
// check the middle of the segment
// In the case high == low+1 and nodes[low] < cut < nodes[high]
// we'd make no progress if we chose mid = (low+high)/2, since that
// would then be mid = low, so we round the index up instead of down
mid = low + (high-low+1)/2;
// The choice of mid guarantees low < mid <= high, so whichever
// case applies, we will either set low to a strictly greater index
// or high to a strictly smaller one, hence we won't become stuck.
if (nodes[mid] > cut) {
// The last index of a value < cut is in the first half
// of the range under consideration, so reduce the upper
// limit of that. Since we excluded mid as a possible
// last index, the upper limit becomes mid-1
high = mid-1;
} else {
// nodes[mid] < cut, so the last index with a value < cut is
// in the range [mid .. high]
low = mid;
// now either low == high or nodes[high] < cut and high is the result
// in either case by the loop invariants
return high;
visit left
visit right
print current.
visit left
print current
visit right
/ \
3 10
/ \ / \
2 5 9 12
顺序是:2 3 5 7 9 10 11 12
后序是:2 5 3 9 11 12 10 7
current = 7, split inorder at 7: 2 3 5 | 9 10 11 12
看起来熟悉?左边是左子树,右边是右子树,就 BST 结构而言是伪随机顺序。但是,您现在知道您的根是什么。现在对两半做同样的事情。在后序遍历中从左半部分开始查找元素的第一次出现(从末尾开始)。那将是 3。拆分为 3:
current = 3, split inorder at 3: 2 | 5 ...
不要循环任何东西。最后一个元素是你的根。然后将数组向后取,遵循 BST 的插入规则。
given just the postorder -- 2 5 3 9 11 12 10 7
/ \
9 12
/ \
3 10
/ \ / \
2 5 9 12
没有一个答案显示工作代码或提供时间复杂度分析,也没有hammar 的出色答案。我被挥手打扰了,所以让我们开始做一些更正式的事情。
Hammer 在 Python 中的解决方案:
def from_postorder(nodes: Sequence[int]) -> BinaryTree[int]:
def build_subtree(subtree_nodes: Sequence[int]) -> BinaryTree[int]:
if not subtree_nodes:
return None
n = len(subtree_nodes)
# Locates the insertion point for x to maintain sorted order.
# This is the first element greater than root.
x = bisect.bisect_left(subtree_nodes, subtree_nodes[-1], hi=n - 1)
root = BinaryTree(subtree_nodes[-1])
root.left = build_subtree(subtree_nodes[:x])
# slice returns empty list if end is <= start
root.right = build_subtree(subtree_nodes[x:n - 1])
return root
return build_subtree(nodes)
我们创建了两个数据结构,一个是 BST 的中序遍历,另一个是每个节点到其在后序遍历序列中的索引的映射。
时间。我们还将问题分成两个大致相等的子问题(完整 BST 的最坏情况)。因此,T(n) <= 2 . T(n/2) + O(n) + log(n) = T(n/2) + O(n)
,这使我们O(n log(n))
可以使用 Master 定理。
def from_postorder_2(nodes: Sequence[int]) -> BinaryTree[int]:
inorder: Sequence[int] = sorted(nodes)
index_map: Mapping[int, int] = dict([(x, i) for i, x in enumerate(nodes)])
# The indices refer to the inorder traversal sequence
def build_subtree(lo: int, hi: int) -> BinaryTree[int]:
if hi <= lo:
return None
elif hi - lo == 1:
return BinaryTree(inorder[lo])
root = max(map(lambda i: index_map[inorder[i]], range(lo, hi)))
root_node = BinaryTree(nodes[root])
x = bisect.bisect_left(inorder, root_node.val, lo, hi)
root_node.left = build_subtree(lo, x)
root_node.right = build_subtree(x + 1, hi)
return root_node
return build_subtree(0, len(nodes))