

int[] shallow = orig;




Book[] objArr2 = objArr1;


//for loop
objArr2[i] = objArr1[i];



4 回答 4



int[] 浅= orig;




Original Array


After copying:

[0] <--- Original  [0]
[1]                [1]
[3]                [2]
[4]      Copy ---> [3]

但是,如果你有一个由对象组成的数组(比如说objArr1and objArr2)呢?当你做一个浅拷贝时,你现在有两个新的数组对象,但是两个数组之间的每个对应条目都指向同一个对象(因为对象本身没有被复制;只是引用有)。

Original Array:

[0:]----> [object 0]
[1:]----> [object 1]
[2:]----> [object 2]
[3:]----> [object 3]


Original -> [0:]----> [object 0] <----[:0] <- Copy
            [1:]----> [object 1] <----[:1]
            [2:]----> [object 2] <----[:2]
            [3:]----> [object 3] <----[:3]

现在,如果您objArr1通过替换条目或删除条目进行修改,同样的事情不会发生在objArr2. 但是,如果您在 处修改对象objArr1[0],也会反映在 中objArr2[0],因为这些位置指向同一个对象。所以在这种情况下,即使容器对象本身是不同的,它们所包含的是对同一对象的引用。




Original -> [0:]----> [object 0] Copy -> [0:]----> [copy of object 0]
            [1:]----> [object 1]         [1:]----> [copy of object 1]
            [2:]----> [object 2]         [2:]----> [copy of object 2]
            [3:]----> [object 3]         [3:]----> [copy of object 3]



arr1 -> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

现在假设你做到了arr2 = arr1。你所拥有的是:

arr1 -> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] <- arr2

所以这里arr1, 和arr2都指向同一个数组。因此,您使用的任何修改arr1都将在您访问数组时反映出来,arr2因为您正在查看同一个数组。制作副本时不会发生这种情况。

于 2012-10-31T20:34:32.517 回答

这里的问题是您需要将数组视为对象。您存储的objArr1是一个引用数组开头的内存地址。因此,例如,如果objArr1数组存储在地址 0x1234578 则实际的值objArr1是 0x1234578 当你说

objArr2 = objArr1;

你说的值objArr2应该等于0x1234578。现在,如果您更改存储在 0x1234578 的数组的元素之一,那么无论您引用它objArr1[1]还是使用objArr2[1]该值都将是相同的。如果您尝试更改其中一个,情况也是如此:您对其中一个所做的任何事情都会反映在另一个上,因为它们指向同一个地方。例如下面的代码将是真的

objArr2 = objArr1;
objArr2[0] = 5;
objArr1[0] = 6;
System.out.println(objArr2[0]); //prints "6"


于 2012-10-31T20:33:17.053 回答



public class Example {

    //this class just uses the reference as you suggest
    public static class ArrayEater {

        private final int[] food;

        public ArrayEater(final int[] food) {
            this.food = food; // references same array, does not crate copy

        public void eat() {
            for (int index = 0; index < food.length; index++) {
                final int bite = food[index];
                if (bite == 0) {
                    System.out.println("No food at position " + index);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Eating " + bite + " from position " + index);
                food[index] = 0;

    //this class makes an actual copy
    public static class ArrayCopyThenEatEater {

        private final int[] food;

        public ArrayCopyThenEatEater(final int[] food) {
            this.food = new int[food.length]; // creates new array
            for (int index = 0; index < food.length; index++) { //copies over the values
                this.food[index] = food[index];

        public void eat() {
            for (int index = 0; index < food.length; index++) {
                final int bite = food[index];
                if (bite == 0) {
                    System.out.println("No food at position " + index);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Eating " + bite + " from position " + index);
                food[index] = 0;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int[] originalArray = {1,3,6,9};
        ArrayEater eater = new ArrayEater(originalArray);
        for (int index = 0; index < originalArray.length; index++) {
            System.out.println("Original array has value of " + originalArray[index] + " at position " + index);

        originalArray = new int[]{1,3,6,9};
        ArrayCopyThenEatEater copyEater = new ArrayCopyThenEatEater(originalArray);
        for (int index = 0; index < originalArray.length; index++) {
            System.out.println("Original array has value of " + originalArray[index] + " at position " + index);


如果你看一下 main 方法,你会看到 anoriginalArray被创建并传递给了两个“食者”。其中一个食者只是按照您的建议引用 originalArray,另一个食者创建了一个实际的副本(就像您的教授试图说的那样,对于原始人来说,这个副本既浅又深)。


Eating 1 from position 0
Eating 3 from position 1
Eating 6 from position 2
Eating 9 from position 3
No food at position 0
No food at position 1
No food at position 2
No food at position 3
Original array has value of 0 at position 0  <-- here we see that the eater ate the original!!
Original array has value of 0 at position 1
Original array has value of 0 at position 2
Original array has value of 0 at position 3
Eating 1 from position 0
Eating 3 from position 1
Eating 6 from position 2
Eating 9 from position 3
No food at position 0
No food at position 1
No food at position 2
No food at position 3
Original array has value of 1 at position 0 <-- here we see that the eater did not eat the original!!
Original array has value of 3 at position 1
Original array has value of 6 at position 2
Original array has value of 9 at position 3



在这里,我们有一个Food已经被吃掉或者没有被吃掉的类。我们有 3 个吃者,参考副本、浅副本和深副本各一个:

public class Example {

    public static class Food implements Cloneable {
        private boolean eaten = false;
        public void eat() {
            eaten = true;
        public boolean isEaten() {
            return eaten;
        public Food clone() {
            try {
                return (Food) super.clone();
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                return null; //we won't get here

    public static class ReferenceEater {

        private final Food[] food;

        public ReferenceEater(final Food[] food) {
            this.food = food; // references same array, does not crate copy

        public void eat() {
            for (int index = 0; index < food.length; index++) {
                final Food bite = food[index];
                if (bite.isEaten()) {
                    System.out.println("No food at position " + index);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Eating from position " + index);

    public static class ShallowEater {

        private final Food[] food;

        public ShallowEater(final Food[] food) {
            this.food = new Food[food.length]; // creates new array
            for (int index = 0; index < food.length; index++) {
                this.food[index] = food[index]; //shallow copy still references same elements!

        public void eat() {
            for (int index = 0; index < food.length; index++) {
                final Food bite = food[index];
                if (bite.isEaten()) {
                    System.out.println("No food at position " + index);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Eating from position " + index);

    public static class DeepEater {

        private final Food[] food;

        public DeepEater(final Food[] food) {
            this.food = new Food[food.length]; // creates new array
            for (int index = 0; index < food.length; index++) {
                this.food[index] = food[index].clone(); //deep copy also copies the elements!

        public void eat() {
            for (int index = 0; index < food.length; index++) {
                final Food bite = food[index];
                if (bite.isEaten()) {
                    System.out.println("No food at position " + index);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Eating from position " + index);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Food[] originalArray = {new Food(), new Food(), new Food()};
        ReferenceEater referenceEater = new ReferenceEater(originalArray);
        for (int index = 0; index < originalArray.length; index++) {
            System.out.println("Food at position " + index + " has been eaten?  " + originalArray[index].isEaten());

        originalArray = new Food[]{new Food(), new Food(), new Food()};
        ShallowEater shallowEater = new ShallowEater(originalArray);
        for (int index = 0; index < originalArray.length; index++) {
            System.out.println("Food at position " + index + " has been eaten?  " + originalArray[index].isEaten());

        originalArray = new Food[]{new Food(), new Food(), new Food()};
        DeepEater deepEater = new DeepEater(originalArray);
        for (int index = 0; index < originalArray.length; index++) {
            System.out.println("Food at position " + index + " has been eaten?  " + originalArray[index].isEaten());




Eating from position 0
Eating from position 1
Eating from position 2
No food at position 0
No food at position 1
No food at position 2
Food at position 0 has been eaten?  true
Food at position 1 has been eaten?  true
Food at position 2 has been eaten?  true
Eating from position 0
Eating from position 1
Eating from position 2
No food at position 0
No food at position 1
No food at position 2
Food at position 0 has been eaten?  true
Food at position 1 has been eaten?  true
Food at position 2 has been eaten?  true
Eating from position 0
Eating from position 1
Eating from position 2
No food at position 0
No food at position 1
No food at position 2
Food at position 0 has been eaten?  false
Food at position 1 has been eaten?  false
Food at position 2 has been eaten?  false

在这里,我们看到,与原语一样,引用副本导致原件再次被吃掉。但是看一下浅拷贝,我们得到的和上面的图元的深/浅拷贝是一样的,这次食物已经在原来的状态下被吃掉了(与原语不同!)。这是因为虽然我们创建了一个新数组,但我们传入了对相同 Food 实例的引用。最后,通过深度副本,我们看到原始数组食物项没有被吃掉,因为食者吃了这些食物的克隆。

于 2012-10-31T21:14:18.750 回答

您的示例使用数组,所以我将坚持使用它们作为示例。数组实际上只是“分区”的内存块(基于类型)。类似 int[] a 的值是该数组的起始内存地址。当您执行 int[] a = someOtherArray 时,您正在为其分配另一个内存位置的地址,而不是它们存储的值。因此,您必须逐个元素地分配存储在每个位置的值。

于 2012-10-31T20:28:15.273 回答