我在 Python 中使用sklearn.mixture.GMM,结果似乎取决于数据缩放。在以下代码示例中,我更改了整体缩放比例,但不更改尺寸的相对缩放比例。然而,在三种不同的缩放设置下,我得到了完全不同的结果:
from sklearn.mixture import GMM
from numpy import array, shape
from numpy.random import randn
from random import choice
# centroids will be normally-distributed around zero:
truelumps = randn(20, 5) * 10
# data randomly sampled from the centroids:
data = array([choice(truelumps) + randn(5) for _ in xrange(1000)])
for scaler in [0.01, 1, 100]:
scdata = data * scaler
thegmm = GMM(n_components=10)
thegmm.fit(scdata, n_iter=1000)
ll = thegmm.score(scdata)
print sum(ll)
GMM(cvtype='diag', n_components=10)
GMM(cvtype='diag', n_components=10)
GMM(cvtype='diag', n_components=10)