I have several Sitecore items (whose template is connected to an approval workflow) that will not go into Edit mode when clicking "Edit" from the "Review" tab. The same workflow is used elsewhere on the site successfully (the site is more than 3 years old), but clicking Edit in this case doesn't seem to affect the workflow state.

I've turned on verbose logging, which provides a lot of detail, but nothing to indicate any error conditions. I've been comparing how this template is configured with other "working" templates for a couple of days and everything looks Kosher, but surely I'm missing something obvious.

EDIT: The item(s) in question are imported by a data provider, and I've confirmed that for some reason Sitecore is not setting the "Workflow" and "State" system standard fields with a default value. That appears to be at least part of the issue.

EDIT 2: Followed the steps in this thread http://sdn.sitecore.net/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=45991 to use Sitecore Rocks to update all of the items to the correct Workflow State, but the update did not stick. For some reason workflow changes are not persisted for imported items.

EDIT 3: Clicking the Edit dropdown button under the Home tab displays the message "The item is currently not part of a workflow."


1 回答 1



一般来说,几乎每次我遇到 X 在某些项目上工作但在其他项目上不工作的情况时......这是一个权限问题。我希望你作为管理员测试过这个?

抱歉,我的建议太模糊了,但在这里很难具体说明。我们需要您提供更多信息... 当您单击“编辑”时,您究竟希望发生什么?我不完全确定您在这里所说的“编辑模式”是什么意思。在内容编辑器中,所有项目基本上一直处于编辑模式......在我的配置中,当我单击编辑时,我只是锁定项目。它不会更改工作流状态或创建新版本。

这些项目来自数据提供者......您的数据提供者是否正确处理锁定/解锁调用?我知道可以在不实现整个 Item API 的情况下使用数据提供者。

于 2012-10-31T20:22:22.997 回答