I made a solution wich contains 4 projects, UI, BL, DAL and BO.
- UI : usercontrols, windows.
- BL : some logics, and a static class.
- Dal : a static class repository.
- BO : my objects ( Person, ...)
The first 3 projects have reference to BO project, and UI refer to BL and BL to DAL. In BL project I have a Collection, and in my UI (in a ViewModel) I have an ObservableCollection, the problem is the binding between these 2 Collections, for example, when I want to add a person, I have to do like that :
BL.Persons.Add( new Person() { Name = "Paul"});
this.Persons = new ObservableCollection<Person>(BL.Persons);
it works, but I'm not sure if it's the best way.